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Vidareformidlings- og samhandlingsoppgåver

Vidareformidlingsoppgåver og samhandlingsoppgåver utgjer del 2 og 3 av eksamen. Her er nokre døme du kan bruke når du øver til eksamen.


Når du vidareformidlar, skal du fortelje til andre om noko du har lese eller høyrt. Slike oppgåver løyser du ved å lese eller lytte til ein tekst og så attfortelje innhaldet. Du gjentek ikkje ordrett det du har høyrt eller lese, men omformulerer, oppsummerer og skriv din eigen tekst. Pass også på å tilpasse teksten din til mottakar og situasjon.

Døme 1: Soul Food

Read the task. Then listen to the recording, taking notes.

Nina and Peter are talking about the topic of soul food and the Louisiana Mardi Gras celebration.

A friend of yours is absent from school and needs to know what was said. Write a summary for your friend. The text should be 150–200 words long.

Videreformidling 1: Soul Food


Døme 2: English in Britain

Listen to the audio recording about English in Britain. Imagine that you are going to explain the content to a nine-year-old child. Your text should be 100–200 words long.

English in Britain



Samhandlingsoppgåver er oppgåver der du går inn i ein dialog og fortset han. Dialogen kan til dømes vere ein samtale eller chat du skal vidareføre, ein diskusjon der du skal bidra, eller ein skriftleg tekst som krev ein kommentar. Pass på å tilpasse teksten din til mottakar og situasjon.

Døme 1: Online All the Time

Jamie has a problem and is asking for advice online. Read the discussion in the box, and write the next post. Your text should be between 50-150 words long.


I am so tired and exhausted all the time. I know it is because I am constantly online, and my phone keeps me connected 24/7. I get stressed keeping up with friends and family on all sorts of social media. My teachers also expect me to use all kinds of learning platforms. In addition, I can’t seem to get off Tik Tok, even though there are tons of things I would rather do than scroll all day. I need help!


You don’t need help, you just need a bit of self-control. Stop being a victim and just put your phone away. When I was young, I didn’t even have a phone.


That was probably a lot easier to deal with. Nobody had phones back then. If I am not online I am out of the loop. I would lose all my friends.


Sounds like you have a bad case of FOMO. Maybe talk to someone about that.

Døme 2: Save the Birds!

Read the text in the box and write a response. Your text should be 150–250 words long.

Save the Birds!

I am so tired of people who do not look after their cats properly. I had a very nice birdhouse in a tree in my garden. I came out there every day to look at the birds building their nest. They had just laid their eggs when my neighbour's cat came by and killed them.

My neighbour won't listen when I tell her she needs to keep the vicious animal contained. In fact, she yelled at me when I threw water at the beast and chased it from my yard.

Cats are a menace: they kill all kinds of small creatures. They should be kept on a lead the same way we do with dogs. If we let dogs run around loose they would do all kinds of damage, too. But for some reason, cats are allowed to do whatever they want. This should be stopped. If owners cannot train their cats to walk on a lead or stay inside, then they should not be allowed to own a cat.

Døme 3: Commenting on someone's English

Read the note from Thomas in the box below. He would like help to improve his English. Write a short text where you give Thomas advice about what he should focus on to improve his English. Also give Thomas positive feedback about what he is already doing well.

My name is Thomas and i is 13 years old. I is from norway. I go on school every day. When i is older i wants to learn english in england. I thinks university in london seem fun.

My english now should have been better, to say it in that way. I wants to learn more, but i thinks english on school are hard. What can i do?

Døme 4: Deepfake

Listen to the excerpt, then write a short text where you discuss whether we should be worried about deepfakes. The text should be 200–300 words long.


CC BY-SASkrive av Tone Hesjedal.
Sist fagleg oppdatert 15.04.2024


Written exams