Tasks: Namedropper
Comprehension questions and creative tasks to the excerpt from "Namedropper" by Emma Forrest.
- Describe Treena’s looks and interests.
- Where does Treena live and how is her neighbourhood depicted?
- Why are Treena and Viva always late for school?
- How did Treena respond when she got a baby brother?
- Give examples of “hate crimes” that Treena has committed towards Marcus? Why does she want to punish him?
- Why does the narrator term Treena’s madness as “masculine”?
- Treena had tried her hand at babysitting and hairdressing. Explain why she had to quit her jobs.
- What annoys Viva about American sex symbols?
- In which ways is Treena an extraordinary girl?
- Why do you think the author has chosen a first person narrator for her story? How does it affect the story?
Creative Tasks:
- What if the tables were turned and Treena got to portray her close friend Viva? Write a text with Treena as the first person narrator.
- Based on your interpretation of the character of Treena, create a page from her Facebook profile.
- Use this quotation about writing by author Franz Kafka and relate it to Emma Forrest's style of writing: “Don't bend; don't water it down; don't try to make it logical; don't edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.”
- Make your own list: "My Top 5 People to Namedrop" and illustrate it with colours, symbols and images.
Relatert innhold
CC BY-SASkrevet av Sonja Nygaard-Joki og Eli M. Huseby.
Sist faglig oppdatert 03.03.2017