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Tasks: Love Letters


  1. Are people today good at expressing how they feel through words?

  2. How would you feel if someone wrote you a love letter similar to the ones you have read?

  3. Do you think that the presence of social media and the fact that we so easily can stay in contact with other people mean that we never get the opportunity to miss someone enough to make us want to write down our feelings?

  4. In what way is a love letter different from a love poem? Which do you find more romantic: a love letter or a love poem?

  5. What are common ways to express that we love someone today?


Pick one of the love letters.

  1. Find out more about the person who wrote the letter and the person it was written for. Who were they and what kind of relationship did they have?

  2. Comment on language features and literary devices in the letter you have chosen. How do the language features and literary devices contribute to communicating the message of the letter?

Present your work in a group or in class.


Pick one of the love letters.

Imagine that the same feelings were to be expressed today. What medium would be used, and how would it be written?

Write the letter as you think it would look today.


Draw inspiration from the love letters you have read and write your own letter in the same style.

Make a dialogue:

Work with a partner. If you are three people in a group, add an extra character.

Pick one of the tasks and make a dialogue to perform.

  1. You have had a whirlwind romance and got married, but you have never really talked about your future together. As you sit down to talk about this, it turns out that you have opposing views on having children.

  2. You are extremely shy and extremely in love. You want to ask out the person you are interested in, so you seek advice from a friend.

  3. You are in a committed relationship but you have been given the opportunity of a lifetime to travel and fulfil one of your biggest dreams. This means that you will have to leave the country for six months, and your partner cannot come with you or visit. As the dialogue starts, you have come to tell your partner about the opportunity.

Guoskevaš sisdoallu

An article about love letters with examples of famous love letters.

CC BY-SADán lea/leat čállán Tone Hesjedal.
Maŋemusat ođastuvvon 03/19/2021

