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Tasks: Majid and Farzaneh

En overfylt flyktningebåt kantrer i Middelhavet
Raba gova ođđa siiddus


  1. Describe the situation that led to Majid and Farzaneh having to flee Iran.
  2. Find out what a Sepâh is.
  3. Farzaneh's brother describes Farzaneh as "apostate" and "brazen". What does he mean by that?
  4. How would you describe Farzaneh's brother?
  5. From the information you get from this extract, how would you describe the political and religious situation in Iran?
  6. On their journey, Majid and Farzaneh meet several people. Some are kind and try to help, while others are less understanding of their situation. Who made an impression on you, either because of their kindness or because of their lack of kindness?
  7. How do they describe Moria, the refugee camp?
  8. Majid and Farzaneh start off from the Iranian border town Urmia and end up in Moria. Use Google Maps, plot in their different destinations, and find out where they travelled.


Pick one of the tasks and write a longer text.

  1. Majid and Farzaneh end up in Moria, a refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesbos, where they stay for ninety days. Do a bit of research and find out more about Moria. Then write a text where you describe their stay at the camp.
  2. Shirin, who was only three at the time of the escape, is now grown up and has found a new life in Norway. Write two-three journal entries where she describes her memories from the escape and the refugee camp, and the various challenges that her family faced in Norway when they finally found a place to settle.


Many refugees, especially children, have experienced trauma related to war or persecution that may affect their mental and physical health long after the events have occurred. We see this in the excerpt, where the youngest daughter, Shirin, is so traumatised by what she goes through that she stops speaking for ninety days.

In this powerful TedTalk, child psychologist Mozhdeh Ghasemiyani shares her heart-breaking story of her family's escape from Iran to Denmark when she was a child. She is today using her own experiences to aid the healing of traumatised refugee children.

After having watched the video, discuss the following questions:

  1. Explain the meaning of the word 'trauma' and how traumas can affect someone's life.
  2. Why are children particularly vulnerable to wartime traumas?
  3. According to Dr Mozhdeh Ghasemiyani, how can trauma be healed?
  4. Her solution to treating trauma is based on research, but also on her own experiences. Describe some of the things that helped her, after she arrived in Denmark.
  5. Are her experiences as a refugee and as a psychologist relevant for you in any way?
  6. How can we make the lives of refugees easier?

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CC BY-SADán lea/leat čállán Karin Søvik.
Maŋemusat ođastuvvon 01/24/2021

