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Interactive Color Wheel

Use an interactive color wheel to create an appealing color scheme for a design project and learn relevant English terms you might need in your future career.
A colourful ferris wheel. Photo.

Explore the Color Wheel Calculator

The interactive color wheel from Sessions College for Professional Design is a free online tool to help creatively explore color options for your design project in a fun and engaging way!

Here is an easy step-by-step guide to getting started:

  1. GO to the interactive color calculator
  2. CLICK on the box beside “Pick a color” and choose a color as a starting point.
  3. DRAG the dot that appears in the expanded box to the hue (fargetone) of your choice. Drag it right or left to adjust saturation (metning) and up or down to adjust value (valør).
  4. CREATE a color harmony by choosing one of the six harmony options.
  5. ADMIRE your new color scheme.

Creative task

Think of a future work-related situation where you will need to design a color scheme and use the interactive color wheel to create one. Here are some examples of relevant situations:

  • Floral design: bridal bouquet
  • Interior design: a teenager’s bedroom
  • Display design: showcasing a company at an exhibition
  • Design and traditional crafts: redesign a handicraft product of your choice

Pitch your design!

Now it’s time to present your colorful vision:

  1. First explain who/what the color scheme is for and why you chose this particular color hue (fargetone) as your starting point.
  2. Then try to describe your color scheme in as much detail as possible. It might be difficult to describe the different color nuances in English. Therefore, if you have access to the internet, you can do some research to find the names of different colors in English.

The following resource in Norwegian might be helpful: Hva er en god pitch? Source: NDLA Medie- og informasjonskunnskap

CC BY-SADán lea/leat čállán Sonja Nygaard-Joki ja Inger Gilje Sporland.
Maŋemusat ođastuvvon 01/08/2020


Frisør, blomster, interiør og eks.design (programme-specific resources)