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Tasks: Street Art in New York

Watch the film about street art in New York before discussing the questions below. You can also learn more about two of the most famous street artists in the world: Banksy and Eduardo Kobra.
The street art graffiti, called ‘Hammer Boy’, is a piece by Banksy. It depicts a child with a hammer, poised to smash a fire hydrant. Above the artwork, the text reads, ‘Help ZABAR save this Banksy.’ A blurred person can be seen walking past the mural. Photo.

Discuss in pairs or in class:

  1. How does street art differ from traditional art forms like painting and sculpture?

  2. Do you think street art appeals equally to all age groups and social groups in society?

  3. Do you think street art belongs in museums, or is it best viewed outside in public spaces?

  4. How has street art impacted the aesthetics and atmosphere of your local community or town?

  5. Some people consider street art a form of vandalism, while others see it as a legitimate art form. Where do you stand on this debate?

  6. Do you believe street art can be a catalyst for social change and awareness? How?

  7. Street art is often temporary and vulnerable to removal. How does this aspect affect your perception of its artistic value?

  8. Street art often challenges conventional norms and expectations. Can you think of a piece of street art that has left a lasting impression on you? Why?

Who is Eduardo Kobra?

Large mural by the artist Eduardo Kobra. It features different faces and the text ‘Ellis’ is painted over a five-story building in New York. Photo.

Eduardo Kobra is a street artist who officially began his career in 1987, when he was eleven years old, in his hometown of São Paulo, Brazil. Since then, he has painted over 3,000 murals on five continents.

In New York, there are currently 19 breathtaking murals by Kobra. His latest project in New York, finalised in 2018, is called Colors of Liberty. The idea behind this project was to portray and pay homage to great personalities that have fought and are still fighting for peace. Some of these figures are Mahatma Gandhi, Anne Frank, Mother Teresa, Malala Yousafzai, and Michael Jackson.

In Kobra’s own words:

"The idea is to use murals as a platform for issues that we are living with in the world today and to talk about them in a peaceful way, without offending anyone or promoting hatred with my artworks. The intention of my artworks is to bring awareness about complex subjects, such as racism, violence, the use of firearms, and violence in general, and also the plight of immigrants. To reflect on all of this so we can find answers on how to make the world a better place."


Use the internet and find photos of other paintings by Kobra from the Colors of Liberty project.

Write a text where you discuss Kobra’s unique art and the effect it has on the public. How would you describe his style? Does the artist succeed in promoting reflection and awareness about social issues?

A large, colorful mural in New York displays facing portraits of Mother Theresa and Gandhi, who appear to be looking at each other. Photo.

Who is Banksy?

A mural of a man using a high pressure washing to wash off cave paintings. Photo.

Banksy is a renowned British street artist whose works have appeared all over the world and are sold for millions at various auctions. Maintaining an air of mystery, Banksy’s true identity remains unconfirmed. When his artworks surface, Banksy typically takes ownership of them through his official Instagram page. His work often focuses on topical societal issues, and conveys powerful political messages.


In the expandable box, you will find six different art-works by Banksy.

  1. Go through the art works in pairs or groups. What is the political message that Banksy is trying to convey? How is the message presented?

  2. Banksy often uses humour or surprise in his art. What does he achieve by this?

Art by Banksy

Banksy street art. It depicts a mob that, instead of throwing stones, is throwing a bouquet of flowers. Photo.
Street art by Banksy. A young boy throws Putin on the ground during a judo match. Photo.
Street art. A swallow is harassed by five pigeon demanding that he leaves the countryand goes 'back to Africa'. Photo.
The words 'I don't believe in global warming' is written on a wall, just above the water line. Photo.
A soldier stands with his hands in the air and his back to the side. A young girl in a pink dress conducts a body search. Photo.
A white dove, with an olive branch in its beak, is flying while wearing a bulletproof vest. Photo.


  1. Choose two of the paintings and write a text where you reflect on the value of street art in general and these art works in particular.

  2. Write a text where you discuss the following quotes. What did these people mean?

"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.”
Pablo Picasso

“Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics.”
Victor Pinchuk

“I'd been painting rats for three years before someone said, 'That's clever. It's an anagram of art,' and I had to pretend I'd known that all along.”

What is Art?

Banksy's famous picture "Girl With Ballon" has been half shredded, partly hanging out of the frame. Photo.

Girl with Balloon / Love is in the Bin

In 2018, the auction house Sotheby’s in London auctioned out one of Banksy’s most famous works: Girl with Balloon. After a heated bidding war, the price reached £860 000 (about 11 million NOK). Shortly after the closing bid, the painting made a beeping noise to attract people’s attention, and the painting then started sliding down out of the frame and through a shredder which had been built into the bottom part of the frame. Only the upper part of the painting remained.

You can read more about this stunt here:
Banksy auction stunt leaves art world in shreds

Iconic Artworks: Banksy’s Shredded Painting – Art or Prank?

You can also watch a video of the actual stunt made by Banksy himself by searching for ‘Shredding the Girl and Balloon – The Director’s half cut’


  1. Why do you think Banksy installed the shredder? Is this his way of sending a message to the art world? If so, what message?

  2. In your opinion, where do Banksy’s paintings belong? In gold frames in museums or outside, in public spaces? Give reasons for your opinion.

  3. In 2021, the painting, which after the shredding was renamed ‘Love is in the bin’, was resold at Sotherby’s. This time, the price reached £16 million. What is your reaction to the new price? Why is the shredded painting worth more than the original one?

  4. According to Banksy, the intention was to shred the entire painting, but during the auction, it stopped half-way through. If Banksy had succeeded with his plans, do you think the value had been the same?

Relatert innhald

CC BY-SASkrive av Karin Søvik.
Sist fagleg oppdatert 10.06.2024


Visual Art