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Listening activity: George — Creative Media

Listen to an interview (3:53 min.) with George, a student of Creative Digital Media at MidKent College in the UK.

Watch the video and answer the questions below:

  1. George describes a normal day at school. What kind of subjects does he take?
  2. Choose one of these subjects and describe what you think it is about. In other words, what kinds of things do you think they learn to do?
  3. How will English as a school subject become useful to George in his future career?
  4. Describe George's dream job.
  5. Can you think of some more future careers for students of the Creative Media programme?

Bonus question:

The students at MidKent College were challenged to try the Norwegian speciality, brown cheese, for the very first time. Do you think they enjoyed it?!

Relatert innhald

Why did you choose a vocational programme? How will English be important in your future career? Watch our video interviews and then try it out yourself!

CC BY-SASkrive av Sonja Nygaard-Joki.
Sist fagleg oppdatert 23.01.2020


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