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Using the -ing Form of Verbs


Ing-form or Infinitive, Translation

Paste the text into your text editor and translate the following sentences.

  1. Han gjekk utan å seie noko.
  2. Vi unngår alltid å dra til London om vinteren.
  3. Ho likte (to enjoy) svært godt å lese bloggar.
  4. Han er oppteken med å spele PC-spel.
  5. Eg kan ikkje noko for at eg ler når eg ser den personen.
  6. Læraren bryr seg ikkje om at elevane lagar bråk i timane.
  7. Dei har slutta å lese til eksamen.
  8. Ungane nektar for å ha gjort noko gale.
  9. Det har inga hensikt å klage for mykje.
  1. He went/left without saying anything.
  2. We always avoid visiting London in the winter.
  3. She enjoyed reading blogs very much.
  4. He is busy playing PC-games.
  5. I can't help laughing when I see that person.
  6. The teacher doesn't mind the students/pupils making noise during
  7. They have finished reading for the exam.
  8. The children deny having done anything wrong.
  9. It's no use complaining too much.
CC BY-SA 4.0Skrive av Hands On (NKI) og Karin Dwyer Løken.
Sist fagleg oppdatert 21.04.2018