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Scones and waffles

In England there is a never-ending debate: What do you put on a scone first, jam or cream? In Norway we could have a similar debate: What do you put on your waffle first, sour cream or jam?
A table set for a cream tea outdoors, a pink flower on the table.

Cream tea is an afternoon meal consisting of tea, warm scones, clotted cream, jam, and sometimes butter. Cream tea has been served in England since the 11th century, and the debate has been going on for about as long. Although considered a speciality of Cornwall and Devon, cream tea is served in all of the United Kingdom and in some Commonwealth countries. Recently, Queen Elizabeth II made an attempt to settle the cream tea debate by saying that in Buckingham Palace, homemade jam from Balmoral was always put on the scone first. In Norway we have been making waffles since the early 1800s. King Harald has, as far as we know, never weighed in on the waffle question.


Below, you will find recipes for Norwegian waffles and English scones. Translate the English recipe into Norwegian and the Norwegian recipe into English.

1. English scones

Translate the text below into Norwegian.


500 g plain flour
100 g caster sugar
pinch of salt
15 g baking powder
100 g diced butter
250 ml milk
1 egg


Sieve flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt into a bowl.

Rub the butter into the flour until it is no longer visible, using your fingertips or a fork.

Add the milk and mix well. Once it starts to come together, turn out on to a floured surface and knead until it forms a smooth dough.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

Roll the dough out on a lightly floured surface to 2.5 cm thick and cut into rounds that are ca 5 cm in diameter. Place on a baking tray lined with non-stick baking paper.

For the egg wash, beat the egg in a small bowl and brush the tops of scones; you may brush twice for a nicer colour.

Bake in the oven for approximately 15 minutes. Do not over-bake them, or they will be dry.

2. Norwegian Waffles:

Translate the text below into English.

Click here if you want to translate from nynorsk

Norske Vaflar


4 dl kveitemjøl
5 ss sukker
1 ts bakepulver
4 dl mjølk
3 stk. egg
100 g smelta smør

Slik gjer du: Ha alt det tørre i ein bolle. Ha i mjølka litt om gongen. Rør godt mellom kvar gong for å få ei glatt røre utan klumpar av mjøl. Rør inn egga. Ha i smelta smør. La røra svelle i 30 minutt. Juster røra med litt vatn eller mjøl om den er for tjukk. Steik vaflane og server dei gjerne varme.

Norske vafler:


4 dl hvetemel
5 ss sukker
1 ts bakepulver
4 dl melk
3 stk. egg
100 g smeltet smør

Slik gjør du:

Ha alt det tørre i en bolle. Tilsett litt og litt melk om gangen. Rør godt mellom hver gang for å få en glatt røre uten klumper av mel.

Rør inn eggene. Ha i smeltet smør. La røren svelle i 30 minutter. Juster røren med litt vann eller melk om den er for tykk.

Stek vaflene og server dem gjerne varme.


Pick one of the tasks and write a short text of no more than 350 words.

  1. Write an argumentative text about how you prefer your waffles served.

  2. Write a humorous text about a time you tried British food.

  3. Write a text where you answer the following question: What characterises of a food recipe?


Pick one of the tasks and prepare an oral presentation about the topic.

  1. Dishes that are specialities of England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.

  2. How immigration has influenced British food culture.

  3. Britain's most famous chefs and their signature dishes.


Class project.

Prepare a cream tea, Norwegian waffles, or both. Invite guests to enjoy them. Observe and take notes about the application of jam and cream. What is the most common method among your guests? Present your findings in class.

CC BY-SAWritten by: Tone Hesjedal.
Last revised date 04/06/2021

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English around the World