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Tasks: Immigration to the United States


Work with a partner.

  1. Many argue that because most Americans are descended from immigrants, it is hypocritical that they want to limit immigration to the United States today. Do you agree?

  2. The United States has always been a place where different cultures have met. Do you believe that there is such a thing as a typical American?

  3. If you were asked to mention six things that characterises American culture, what would they be? Explain your choice.


Questions related to the article 'Immigration to the United States'.

Understanding the text:

Work alone or with a partner. Answer the questions about the text.

  1. What was the colonial period?

  2. In what ways were the northern colonies different from the southern colonies?

  3. When was the first wave of immigration, and who came during this period?

  4. When was the second wave of immigration, and who came during this period?

  5. How had America changed between the second wave of immigration and the third wave of immigration?

  6. What has immigration to the United States been like after 1965?

  7. Why do we say that immigration has shaped American society?


Choose one of the tasks and write a text that is maximum 1200 words long.

  1. Write a short story about a settler who came to America during the colonial period.

  2. Write a factual text about immigration to the United States in the 19th century.

  3. Write a short story about a migrant who tries to get to the United States across the Mexican border today.

  4. Write a factual text about immigration to the United States in the 21st century.


Group work. Choose one of the tasks.

  1. Research immigration to the United States and immigration to another English-speaking country. Make an overview of similarities and differences.
    Present your findings to the rest of the class.

  2. Research immigration policy and immigration systems in the United States and another English-speaking country. Make an overview of similarities and differences.
    Present your findings to the rest of the class.

  3. Can you settle permanently in the United States? Find out about the process of moving from Norway to the United States to live and work, with the goal of becoming a US citizen in the long term.
    Present your findings to the rest of the class.

Sources that may be a starting point:

Task 1.

Link to the American Immigration Council's website

Link to Pew Research Center

Task 2.

Link to factsheet 'How the United States Immigration System Works' on the American Immigration Council's website.

Link to information about immigration and citizenship on the United States Government's website

Find out:

Group work. Share your findings with another group.

  1. What do American authorities mean when they use the term 'illegal immigration'?

  2. How difficult is it to enter the United States illegally, and what methods are used?

  3. How much does immigration enforcement and border security cost the United States each year?

  4. What are some of the reasons why illegal immigrants come to the United States?

Sources that may help:

Migration Policy Institute: 'Profile of the Unauthorized Population'. Link to fact sheet on Migration Policy Institute' website.

Center for Immigration Studies: 'Illegal Immigration'. Link to definition of illegal immigration on Center for Imigration Studies' website.

American Immigration Council: 'The Cost of Immigration Enforcement and Border Security'. Link to article on American Immigration Council's website.

Guoskevaš sisdoallu

Key factors which attracted immigrants to America, such as civil rights, freedom of expression, religion and speech, as well as economic opportunity.

CC BY-SADán lea/leat čállán Tone Hesjedal.
Maŋemusat ođastuvvon 01/17/2022


Historical Changes