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Writing Body Paragraphs

Dividing your text into logical and clear paragraphs is vital, because they show the reader how the text is structured and what belongs where.
Sketch of three people working on a computer and reading books.

Structuring a good paragraph

A strong paragraph contains three elements:

  • a clear topic sentence

  • supporting details

  • a concluding sentence

A topic sentence is the most important sentence in a paragraph. The function of the topic sentence is to help organise the paragraph by clearly stating the central idea and preparing the reader for what the paragraph will be about. A topic sentence is usually (but not always) presented at the beginning of the paragraph.

The other sentences in a paragraph are supporting sentences. They add information to and elaborate on the information in the topic sentence, offering examples, explanations, facts, and more detailed information. It is very important that the supporting sentences all pull in the same direction and stay on topic. Using transitional words, such as 'next', 'similarly', 'moreover', and similar words, will help build the unity and coherence that the paragraph needs, because such words show that the supporting sentences build on each other and clearly relate to the topic sentence.

A paragraph should also have a concluding sentence. This kind of sentence serves two purposes: it concludes the paragraph, so that the reader fully understands the meaning of the paragraph, and it also allows for a smooth transition between the concluding sentence of one paragraph and the topic sentence of the next. Good transitions highlight the key information that connects one paragraph to the next and help create a logical flow between ideas.


Let's take a look at an example of a body paragraph where these elements are in place. This is a paragraph taken from a student research paper about poverty and social conditions in the United Kingdom. The first sentence is the topic sentence, and it gives the reader information about what this paragraph will be about:

Many people claim that the most important reason for the increase in social differences in Britain during the last decade has been the government´s austerity programme.

The next part, which is also the longest part of the paragraph, gives the reader more information about the austerity programme, why it was introduced, and some of its consequences. They all support the topic sentence by providing more information and detail about the topic in question:

The austerity programme is a campaign of budget cutting that was introduced by the Conservative-led government in 2010 in the aftermath of the global recession of 2008. The programme was introduced to reduce the deficit of the government’s budget through spending cuts on welfare payments, housing subsidies, and social services. As a result of the austerity programme, the deficit of the national budget has been reduced. However, the social consequences of the programme for the British people have been severe. It has led to thousands of citizens living without enough food, and many families have become reliant on aid organisations. With a reduction in social services, it has become difficult for unemployed people and people with low-income jobs to live normal and regulated lifestyles.

The final sentence of a body paragraph should signal to the reader that you are about to move on. The concluding sentence below does two things: it sums up in one sentence the most important information that has been discussed, and it opens up for a new discussion going in a different direction in the next paragraph. For example, you could easily move on to a paragraph about the situation for unemployed people, for people with disabilities, or a paragraph about child poverty:

While the programme may have helped the nation to recover financially from the recession, it is clearly taking its toll on the most vulnerable in society, such as the unemployed, people with disabilities, and families with children.

Body paragraph in full:

Many people claim that the most important reason for the increase in social differences in Britain during the last decade has been the government´s austerity programme. The austerity programme is a campaign of budget cutting that was introduced by the Conservative-led government in 2010 in the aftermath of the global recession of 2008. The programme was introduced to reduce the deficit of the government’s budget through spending cuts on welfare payments, housing subsidies, and social services. As a result of the austerity programme, the deficit of the national budget has been reduced. However, the social consequences of the programme for the British people have been severe. It has led to thousands of citizens living without enough food, and many families have become reliant on aid organisations. With a reduction in social services, it has become difficult for unemployed people and people with low-income jobs to live normal and regulated lifestyles. While the programme may have helped the nation to recover financially from the recession, it is clearly taking its toll on the most vulnerable in society, such as the unemployed, people with disabilities, and families with children.

Write the next topic sentence

Building on the example above, think about how the text would continue. What would the topic sentence of the next paragraph be? Write down three examples of strong topic sentences that give the reader a clear understanding of the direction in which you are planning on going.

When you have finished you can move on to the rest of the tasks about body paragraphs.

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CC BY-SADán lea/leat čállán Karin Søvik.
Maŋemusat ođastuvvon 04/06/2021


Academic writing