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Tasks: We Need to Talk About Kevin


Before watching the film you were asked to answer two questions. Are your answers different now that you have watched the film?

  • Can a child be born bad?

  • Are parents responsible for their children's actions?


Work with a partner or in a group. Talk about the questions.

  1. Why is Eva Khatchadourian treated so badly by most of the people she meets?

  2. What was the relationship between Eva and her son Kevin like?

  3. Do you think Eva can be held responsible for what her son did?

  4. What could Kevin's parents have done differently?

  5. Do you think Kevin was a psychopath? If so, was he born that way?

  6. How was the colour red used in the film, and why do you think it was used this way?


Write the answers to each question as fully as you can. Before you write, discuss the questions with one or more classmates.

  1. Why do you think the film has been given the title We Need to Talk About Kevin?

  2. When Kevin is asked why he did what he did he says that he thought he knew, but now he is not sure. What do you think he means by that?

  3. How do you interpret the ending of the film? What does the ending tell us about the relationship between Eva and Kevin?

  4. What cinematographic techniques do you find most significant in the film? What is achieved by using these techniques?

  5. Describe the narrative structure of the film: is it told chronologically or through flashbacks? What is achieved by telling the story this way?

  6. The film begins with images of Eva at a tomato festival abroad, and these images are repeated several times in the film. What do you think is being expressed about Eva through these images?

What are cinematographic techniques?

Cinematographic techniques are used by a director in much the same way that an author uses literary devices.

For example, shots, framing, angles, and camera movements compare to how a writer uses point of view. From what perspective is the film told?

Lighting and sound help set the tone and mood of a film.

The cutting of the film can create a number of different effects. For example, if very different scenes are placed directly after each other it may create a contrast.

Costumes and set design help us better understand the characters and the story.

Find out more about cinematographic techniques by visiting the NDLA resource How to Analyse a Film: Link to NDLA: How to Analyse a Film.


In the USA, there have been many school massacres. One of the most famous is the shooting at Colombine High School in 1999. The mother of one of the Columbine perpetrators has made a TED Talk about her experiences.

Watch the video by following the link. A transcript of the TED Talk is also available on the webpage.

Link to the webpage ted.com: Sue Klebold 'My Son was a Columbine Shooter'.

  1. What does Sue Klebold say about what it is like to be the mother of a son who has committed a terrible crime?

  2. Do you see any similarities between Sue Klebold's story and the story in We Need to Talk About Kevin?

  3. After having heard Sue Klebold's story, do you find the film We Need to Talk About Kevin more realistic or less realistic? Give reasons for your answer.


On Valentine’s Day, 2018, a shooter attacked students and Staff at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland Florida. This shooting, known as the Parkland shooting, sparked widespread student protests and calls for stricter gun regulations.

As a response to the protests, some states have instituted Red flag laws — also known as Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs) or Gun Violence Restraining Orders (GVROs). These laws make it possible for law enforcement or parents to petition a judge to remove guns from a person who is considered to be at high risk for committing violence.

  • Find out more about these laws: which states have instituted them, how efficient are they, and why don't all states have them?

  • Share your findings in a group, and try to come up with ways to improve these laws, or suggest alternative ways to prevent mass shootings in US schools.

  • Discuss: would this kind of legislation have stopped Kevin from doing what he did?


Choose one of the tasks to answer and write a longer text. Remember to include references and a source list.

  1. Write an analysis of the film We Need to Talk About Kevin in which you focus on theme and message.

  2. Write an analysis of the film We Need to Talk About Kevin in which you focus on cinematography.

  3. Write a text where you discuss whether We Need to Talk About Kevin offers a realistic description of someone who has committed a school massacre. Refer to information you have found about people who have committed these kinds of atrocities.

Guoskevaš sisdoallu

This resource explores how school shootings affect the American society.

CC BY-SADán lea/leat čállán Tone Hesjedal.
Maŋemusat ođastuvvon 10/04/2021

