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Tasks: A Dill Pickle by Katherine Mansfield


Take the quiz to see what you remember from the short story. Maybe you need to read through it again before you move on to the next tasks?

Talk about the text:

Work in groups and answer the questions below.

  1. What was Vera and the man's relationship like when they were together?

  2. Can you find clues in the text that tell you how they feel about each other now?

  3. There are hints in the text, indicating that Vera used to be well off. Can you find examples of that?

  4. There are also hints indicating that the man has done well for himself since they were together. Can you find examples of that?

  5. The only name we get to know is Vera's, and her name is only mentioned twice. Why do you think the author chose not to name the man?

  6. Did you enjoy reading the text?


Work with a partner and talk about the questions before you write down your answers.

  1. The story starts in medias res, with the connecting word "and". What does the author accomplish by starting the story in this way?

  2. Do we get to know the characters through direct characterisation or indirect characterisation? What impression do you have of the two characters?

  3. What is the setting of the short story?

  4. Modernist authors focus on describing how individuals experience life. Is this something we can see in this short story?

  5. Modernists often make use of the narrative method "stream of consciousness". Do you see this technique used in any part of this short story?

  6. What is the theme of the short story?


Choose one of the tasks to answer and write a longer text.

  1. Draw inspiration from Katherine Mansfield's story, and write a short story set in our time, about two former lovers who meet unexpectedly.

  2. Write a short story about former lovers who communicate using social media.

  3. Write an analysis of the short story 'A Dill Pickle' by Katherine Mansfield.

  4. Write a text where you describe the style of Katherine Mansfield's writing. Make reference to examples from at least two of her works.

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CC BY-SADán lea/leat čállán Tone Hesjedal.
Maŋemusat ođastuvvon 02/28/2022


Short Stories