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Tasks: Literary Periods


  1. When we describe literary periods, we suggest that literature written within a specific time frame is likely to share some characteristics. Do you think understanding literary periods can make it easier for us to understand a literary work?

  2. To what extent do you think authors and their works are influenced by the time they live in?

  3. All literature after World War II is usually described as belonging to the post-modern (or contemporary) period. When you think about literature from 1945 until today, does it seem natural to say that it all belongs to the same period?

  4. Some scholars have tried to introduce the terms 'post-millennialism' and 'digimodernism' to define a period after the post-modern period. What do you think is meant by these terms, and approximately what time period do you think each term describes?


At NDLA English 2, you will find resources that describe a selection of literary periods. There are, however, many more periods. Different English-speaking countries will have different literary periods, and scholars will define periods that are more or less narrow in order to discuss similarities and differences that they discover during their research.

Study the list of literary periods. Choose one and find out more about it. Prepare a short text or an oral presentation about your findings.

List of literary periods:

The United States:

  • The Colonial and Early National Period

  • Realism and Naturalism

New Zealand:

  • Early works: pre-1870

  • Māoriland movement


  • Aboriginal narrative: the oral tradition

  • The century after settlement

The United Kingdom:

  • The Neoclassical Period

  • The Edwardian Period


Choose one author from a literary period and study examples of their work. Write a text where you discuss whether the author's work can be said to exemplify literature of the period.

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Maŋemusat ođastuvvon 10/12/2022


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