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Tasks: Poems by Edgar Allan Poe

These tasks are related to the poems 'The Raven' and 'Annabel Lee' by Edgar Allan Poe.

Annabel Lee

Close read:

Work with a partner and read the poem carefully. Write a short summary that explains what the poem is about. Make sure you include:

  • details about the relationship between Annabel Lee and the speaker in the poem.

  • Annabel Lee's death and why it happens

  • an explanation of why death does not end the relationship between Annabel Lee and the speaker


  1. Can you find examples of alliteration in the poem?

  2. What do we learn about Annabel Lee as a person?

  3. What kind of person is the speaker?

  4. How is repetition used in the poem?

  5. How is rhyme used in the poem?

  6. What is the theme of the poem?

  7. What makes this poem an example of Gothic literature?

The Raven

Understanding the poem:

  1. What is the speaker doing at the start of the poem?

  2. What time of year is it?

  3. What has happened to Lenore?

  4. The speaker is visited by a raven that repeats the word 'nevermore' several times. How does the speaker react?

  5. The raven stays in the room with the speaker. How does the speaker feel about the raven being there?


  1. Describe the setting of the poem.

  2. Describe the speaker.

  3. What do you think the raven symbolises in the poem?

  4. How is rhyme used in the poem?

  5. What is the theme of the poem?

  6. What makes this poem an example of Gothic literature?


Choose one of the tasks and write a longer text.

  1. Compare the poems 'Annabel Lee' and 'The Raven', paying special attention to theme and message.

  2. Analyse either 'Annabel Lee' or 'The Raven'. Point out language features and literary devices that make it clear that the poem is an example of Gothic literature.


Draw inspiration from Edgar Allan Poe's poems and write your own Gothic poem.

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Maŋemusat ođastuvvon 01/23/2022


Classic Poetry