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Tasks: Forced migration

Here you will find different tasks related to the article about forced migration. Before you move on to the tasks, go through the UNHCR infographic below. Look for information that you didn't know and/or that surprises you.

Infographic showing the numbers of forcibly displaced people in the world
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  • Based on the information you gather from the article and from the UNHCR infographic above, where do most refugees end up?

  • The article describes what has been labelled The European Refugee Crisis. Was it fair to call this a European crisis if you compare it with the situation in other countries? Where are the actual crises taking place?

    This map from Metrocosm will provide you with some useful information.


Use the information you find in the article and the infographic from UNHCR. Write a short text where you include information and reflections about:

  • The number of migrants in the world today.
  • Where most migrants come from and what many of these countries have in common.
  • Where most migrants settle and what most of these countries have in common.
  • The imbalance between rich and poor countries.


A film can often convey a message better than a text. Below you will find two videos, one shedding light on what it is like to be a refugee and the other on our willingness to help.

Go through the videos and discuss:

  • What are the messages of the two videos?
  • How are the messages conveyed to the audience?
  • What is your opinion about the effectiveness of the videos?


There are many conflicts and humanitarian crises in the world today that result in forced migration. Choose a country where forced migration is a problem and find out more about the present-day situation, and the causes and possible consequences of this movement of people. Ask yourself questions such as:

  • What type of conflict or crisis does this country face?
  • What is the number of refugees and internally displaced people from this country?
  • Why have people been forced to leave their homes?
  • What are the possible short and long-term consequences of this forced migration?

These NGO websites may help you on your way:

Present your findings in a Power Point presentation or as a short film.

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CC BY-SADán lea/leat čállán Karin Søvik.
Maŋemusat ođastuvvon 10/14/2020


Immigration and Multiculturalism