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Why do tourists flock to Liverpool? Can you name any of the attractions there?
Entrance to the Beatles Visitor Centre in Liverpool

The Mersey is the river that stretches 70 miles (113 km) from Manchester and ends up in Liverpool Bay. For centuries the river has been vital for the city's very existence. The Liverpool Docks are built on the river bank and it is one of the largest dock systems in the world. The port dates back to the early 1700s.The trade between England and the colonies, North America in particular, was increasing, and the port was soon recognised as the Atlantic Gateway.

Transit for Emigrants

The port did not merely handle tea, spices and tobacco from the colonies or manufactured goods from the factories in England, it soon also became a gateway to the New World for an ever increasing number of emigrants, particularly from Ireland, Scotland and the Scandinavian countries.

Below you will find a letter written in 1896 by a young Norwegian emigrant on his way to America. It gives an impression of the hustle and bustle in the city in the late 1800s.

Two Handwritten letters

Page 1

Page 2

Handwritten letter from the eighteen-ninties. Photo.
Handwritten letter from the eighteen-ninties. Photo.

Kjere forældere

Jeg skal i dag sende derre et par ord og forttele at jeg gott og vel er ankommen hid til Liverpol vi reiste i gaar formiddag ifra Hull med jernbane hid og vi bliver her til torsdag føren vi gaar videre nu er vi paa et Emigranthotel og har det noksaa bra vi har tid at se os om i denne her store by hvor der vrimeler av menesker men jeg ønsker at jeg skulde vere paa mit bestemelsted men der gaar vist over fjorten dage føren jeg er der vi hade meget fint vejer over Norsøen jeg var ikke søsyg men det var mange som var meget syge av emigranterne jeg skal ikke glemme at takke dig saa meget for di penger som du lånte mig og alle mine bestrebelser skal gaa du paa at skaffe dig pengerne tilbage kjere Fader saasnart som det er mig mulig de skal faa høre fra mig naar jeg kommer til Minapolis

Hjerteli hilset ifra Deres Søn Carl Torp

Due to Liverpool's role in this mass immigration of people from Europe to America and its impact on the expansion of the British Empire, the city was in 2004 inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Check out this link to find out more. Liverpool World Heritage

Shadows from the Past

Whereas Liverpudlians, as they term themselves, can be proud of their city's history, there is one chapter that is nothing to boast of; from the 16th century until its abolition in 1807, Liverpool was a centre for the transatlantic slave trade. The International Slavery Museum at Albert Dock tells the stories of the slaves and the merchants that made huge fortunes from this tragic involvement in the past, but it also displays more modern aspects of slavery. Follow the link to find out more about the International Slavery Museum.

Home of the Beatles

Penny Lane, street sign. Foto.

When asked about Liverpool and what they associate with this city, most people would say: The Beatles.

In 1961 the Beatles had their first appearance at the Cavern Club, an old wine cellar by the Mersey riverside. The Fab Four - John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr, made Liverpool known across the world through their lyrics. The street, Penny Lane, and the children's home, Strawberry Fields, became familiar to everyone. The Beatles Museum located at Albert Dock displays an impressive collection of items related to the famous band. You can find out more by following this link. The Beatles Story

You'll Never Walk Alone

A second thing that probably would come to mind if you were asked about Liverpool (though most likely the first for passionate fans throughout the world), is Liverpool FC. Since 1892, Anfield has been the club's stadium and home ground. Gerry and the Pacemakers song, "You'll Never Walk Alone", from 1963 soon became the anthem of the Reds, as they are commonly called. If you visit the club's web site and its Hall of Fame, a lot of legendary names will pop up, among the most recent players, you will find Ian Rush, Michael Owen and our very own, John Arne Riise. If you want to know more, check out this link. Liverpool FC TV

Football is treasured in Liverpool, and the city actually houses one more Premier League club, Everton F.C. This club was formed 14 years before Liverpool F.C. and the rivalry between the two clubs is fierce.

Why Visit Liverpool?

Listen to this interview with a young Liverpudlian to get an impression of what young people want to say about their city. In the audio clip you will get an example of the local dialect, commonly called Scouse. Its roots probably derive from all the emigrants flocking to Liverpool from Scandinavia, Germany, Scotland and Ireland. It is interesting to note that the word can be traced back to Norwegian sailors asking for beef stew, "lapskaus" or in an anglicised form, lobscouse.

Growing up in Liverpool, 3:06


Tasks and Activities


Read the text and listen to the interview.

Then make questions to these answers:

  1. Because of the Mersey.
  2. It was called the Atlantic Gateway.
  3. In 2004
  4. Clearly, it is nothing that the Liverpudlians are proud of.
  5. He travelled by railway.
  6. His destination is Minneapolis.
  7. They were called the Fab Four.
  8. It is Anfield.
  9. The docklands are all rubbish.
  10. I like shopping and going to the pubs.
  11. I would prefer Manchester.

Project Work

  1. Choose one of the attractions listed above or in the interview and check out the links provided. Make a presentation consisting of text and pictures where you try to convince a tourist that is considering whether he or she should visit "your" attraction.
  2. Make a travel brochure recommending Liverpool as a tourist site for young people. You may use the interview to get some good ideas.
CC BY-SADán lea/leat čállán Eli M. Huseby.
Maŋemusat ođastuvvon 10/07/2018


UK & Ireland