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Listening activity: In Pursuit of a Dream

Americans work longer hours than most Europeans and they are willing to move several times during their lifetime to pursue a satisfying career. Listen to the interview with this Nicaraguan-American family about their pursuit of the American dream.
En sirkel med tråder i spindelvev, og fjær som blafrer i vinden. Foto.

Pre-reading: Discuss the following statement: The American Dream is no magic, just hard work.


  1. How does this Nicaraguan boy perceive the American dream?
  2. What are his mother's expectations of him?
  3. How would you characterize the mother?
  4. How did this boy react to hearing his parents' story?


  1. How typical is this mother and son conflict? Could this have been Norway? If so, why?
  2. Do sons of poor people work harder than sons of rich people? If so, why?
  3. Does affluence gradually make us less willing to make sacrifices in life?
  4. Is this mother pushing her son too hard?
  5. Are you ambitious or relaxed with respect to school work and career?
CC BY-SADán lea/leat čállán Knut Inge Skifjeld.
Maŋemusat ođastuvvon 10/05/2018
