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Her finner du oppgaver som likner dem du vil møte i del 1 på eksamen. Husk at du finner flere slike oppgaver i eksamenssettene som ligger på Utdanningsdirektoratets nettsider.

1. Read the text and answer the question

Taika Waititi is a producer, director, actor, and screenwriter from New Zealand. Waititi has won a number of prestigious awards, such as a BAFTA, an Oscar, and a Grammy award. A characteristic of Waititi’s work is the use of humour to convey serious topics.

2. Read the text and answer the question

Spoken word poetry, or performance poetry, is an art form that transforms poetry readings into theatrical events. Much like live theatre, it is performed on a stage in front of an audience.

3. Read the text and answer the question

Benjamin Zephaniah’s background seems unlikely for a poet: he was dyslexic and dropped out of school at the age of 13, unable to read and write properly. After he left school he sought refuge in gangs, where he also got involved in petty crime. At the same time, this young boy, who was tough on the outside, revealed that he had deeper thoughts that he eventually formed into poetry. Already at the age of 15, Zephaniah had gained a reputation as a young poet with a clear voice and a unique style. Today, he is considered one of Britain’s foremost poets.

4. Read the text and answer the question

Humans have always tried to make life easier for themselves. Machines have been invented to improve our standard of living. The word 'machine' comes from the Greek word mechos which means ‘to help make things easy’.

5. Read the text and answer the questions

When we talk about poverty, we usually differentiate between absolute poverty and relative poverty. When defining 'absolute poverty', we look at the essentials that people need to live: food, clothing, shelter. Anyone who cannot afford these essentials is considered poor regardless of what other people in the country have. 'Relative poverty' means that you have considerably lower income than the average in the society in which you live, which means that you have to go without things that other people take for granted.

Living in absolute poverty is a question of life and death. Every day is a struggle to find enough food to eat, clothes to wear, and a safe place to stay. Other terms for this kind of poverty are 'extreme poverty', 'deep poverty', 'abject poverty', 'destitution', and 'penury'.

Absolute poverty is commonly found in what used to be called 'developing nations', which today are usually referred to as 'low-income countries'. Absolute poverty is often caused by natural disasters, unrest, and war. Many international aid organisations work to help those who live in absolute poverty. Helping people in extreme poverty has also been a long-standing goal for the UN.

6. Insert the word that fits best into the sentence

7. Insert the word that fits best into the sentence

8. Insert the words that fit best into the sentences

9. Identify a word in the text

10. Identify a word in the text

11. Identify a word in the text

12. Identify a word in the text

13. Listen to the text and answer the questions

Fake news excerpt


14. Listen to the text and answer the question

Pay gap

CC BY-SADán lea/leat čállán Tone Hesjedal.
Maŋemusat ođastuvvon 04/10/2024


Written exams