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Tasks: What Do They Do At Work?

A gardener in a greenhouse harvesting ripe tomatoes. Photo.


  1. Do you have any previous knowledge about any of the professions presented in the article?

  2. Which of these professions appeal the most / the least to you? Explain why.

  3. Would you be interested in pursuing a career in any of these professions?

  4. In which of these professions do you think you need:

  • a strong physique?

  • good technical knowledge?

  • an artistic mind?

  • patience?

  • a university degree?

  • to be handy?

  • an ability to cooperate well with others?

  • special attention to EHS (Environment, Health, and Safety)

  • the ability to communicate well in English.


Work in pairs. One person acts as interviewer, the other as the interviewee.

Choose one of the professions presented above. The interviewer will ask relevant questions based on the text and previous knowledge about the profession, while the interviewee provides the answers. When you have covered one profession, choose another and change roles.


Divide the class into six groups, each focusing on one of the following professions:

  • agronomist

  • fish farmer

  • farrier

  • landscape gardener

  • gardener

  • forest worker

Imagine that you work in one of these professions. You have been invited to an educational fair where you have been asked to present your profession to a group of first-year high school students.

In the presentation, you should touch upon some (if not all) of the following elements:

  • where you can get an education;

  • what your tasks and responsibilities will be;

  • what personal qualities that are required;

  • where you can work;

  • which other professional groups you would have to collaborate with;

  • why you would recommend this profession to young people;

  • other information you may find relevant.

The presentation should include relevant illustrations and images that support the content of the presentation. Remember to refer to your sources.

Some useful sources:


An arborist using a chainsaw to cut a eucalyptus tree in a public park. Photo.

Your study programme Agriculture, Fishing, and Forestry will give you many choices of interesting professions; the article you have just read presents only six of them.

A fishing vessel hoisting a net of fish on board. Photo.

Skim through the article again. Then choose one of the following professions and write a similar text. Include information about key tasks and responsibilities, where you would work, and specific knowledge that you would need in your work.

A man, holding a heaving line, is standing next to a reindeer. Photo.
  • equestrian

  • fisher

  • reindeer husbandry worker

  • animal keeper

  • arborist

  • park ranger

  • gamekeeper

Guoskevaš sisdoallu

CC BY-SADán lea/leat čállán Karin Søvik.
Maŋemusat ođastuvvon 06/16/2023


Naturbruk (programme-specific resources)