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Tasks: In a UK Restaurant

In Britain, people are generally more polite and formal than in Norway. This is something you should keep in mind when you order a meal in a restaurant. If you enter a restaurant in the evening, a common greeting is “good evening”.
Restaurant. Photo.

In a UK restaurant

Waiter. Photo.

After the meal you have to ask for your bill and foreigners always wonder how much to tip. In Britain VAT (value added tax) should already be included in the prices given in the menu. Most bills also say that service is included. In that case you don’t have to leave a tip. However, if you are generally pleased with the food and the service, it is common to leave a tip of 10% or round up to the next pound.


Sentence Order

Arrange this conversation in the right order by using numbers (1 for the line that starts the conversation, 10 for the last line):

  1. We’re ready to order now and we’d like…
  2. Could we have the bill, please?
  3. What is the dish of the day, please?
  4. Would you like anything to drink?
  5. Did you enjoy your meal?
  6. Not just yet. Could you come back in a couple of minutes?
  7. I’d like a Coke, please.
  8. Thank you. It was very nice.
  9. Good evening, are you ready to order now?
  10. Here is your food. Enjoy your meal.

Cloze Tasks

Copy the texts into your text editor and do the cloze tasks.

  1. Fill in the blanks with the following words:
    tip, dessert, chef, waiter, starter, main course

    • At a restaurant the person who serves you at your table is called a………….while the person who cooks your food is called a………………
    • Many people prefer soup as a …………and meat or fish as their………….
    • People commonly want something sweet for………….
    • If the food and service is good, they usually leave a……………..

  2. Complete the sentences in this cloze by using the following words:
    included, good night, formal, good evening, please, pleased, tip

    • When we meet our waiter after 5 p.m we usually greet him with:………………
    • In Britain people in general are more……………than in Norway.
    • Could we have the bill,…………..?
    • If you are …………with the food and the service, it is common to leave 10%.................
    • When you are leaving you should say ………………..
    • VAT is normally…………..in the prices.
CC BY-SADán lea/leat čállán Eli M. Huseby.
Maŋemusat ođastuvvon 01/29/2019


Restaurant- og matfag (programme-specific resources)