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Power to the People -Writing

Copy the text into your text editor. Add suitable words from the lists when answering the questions in writing. There is a suggested key below.

Use words and expressions from the following list(s) and answer the questions below. Not all the words are necessary, but to make full answers you will of course need other words in addition to those on the lists.

to generate
to supply
to provide
to transmit
to distribute
to harness
to distribute
to maintain
to transform
to step up / down
to consume
to convert

station / plant

the amount of
constant / continuous
store water
conflict of interests
peak period
high power voltage
electromagnetic radiation
conservation of energy
an eyesore


  1. Does a power station create energy?
  2. What is the purpose of the turbine?
  3. Which factors will influence the effect of the power plant?
  4. What is the purpose of building a dam?
  5. What are the options when a country has no mountains or waterfalls, like Denmark, for example?
  6. Mention some benefits from generating HEP?
  7. Why is the voltage stepped up before the power leaves the power station?
  8. Discuss briefly pros and cons of the two systems of distributing power.

Suggested key

Suggested answers:

  1. A power station does not create energy – it can only convert energy. The amount of energy is constant.
  2. The turbine is hit by the water at high speed and is connected by a shaft to a generator, which will rotate accordingly and generate power.
  3. The height of the waterfall, the amount of water and the cross-section of the pipes are the factors that decide the effect of a power plant.
  4. The purpose of the dam is to collect and store water in a reservoir to secure a stable supply of water to the plant.
  5. The options are to heat water so the steam can make the turbine rotate. This is usually done by burning coal or oil or by a nuclear reaction.
  6. You get clean, non-polluting energy by using natural sources.
  7. The voltage is stepped up to prevent energy loss during distribution.

Overhead cables:
PROS – Relatively cheap (compared to the other option)
Easy to troubleshoot and maintain
CONS -An eyesore in nature
Dangerous electromagnetic radiation

Underground distribution:
PROS -Distribution is kept away from public eye
Electromagnetic radiation will be eliminated
CONS -Expensive to construct
Difficult maintenance and troubleshooting

Guoskevaš sisdoallu

Norway is fortunate when it comes to generating electric power. The abundancy of water makes it easy and fairly cheap to produce electricity.

CC BY-SADán lea/leat čállán Jan-Louis Nagel.
Maŋemusat ođastuvvon 07/07/2010


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