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A Car Mechanic in the UK

This interview will give you an idea of what it is like to work as a car mechanic in the UK.
Bilmekaniker i arbeid

Pre-listening task

Before listening, use the dictionary to check that you know the meaning of the following words: maintenance, break down, recommend, independent, honesty, the public, reputation, vehicle, manufacturer, schedule, baffle, dealer, warranty, wiring diagram, landlord, property, overheads, retire

YTS = Youth Training Scheme

MOT is used for the Ministry of Transport (now Department of Transport) test which is required annually on all cars over 3 years old to check that vehicles meet road safety and environmental standards.


Listen to the following interview with a car mechanic in the UK and find out:

  • Where he works. (type of company - large/small, etc)
  • Where about in the UK he works.
  • Why he chose this profession.
  • What type of tasks he has to do on a typical day at work.
  • What personal qualities he suggests are needed by a car mechanic
  • Does he describe any work processes or services that he provides?
  • What he likes best and least about his job.
  • How he thinks this line of work will change in the future.
  • Where he sees himself in 5 - 10 years' time.

Car Mechanic - Interview



After you have practised, add more dialogue for some of the following situations:

  • The mechanic finds that the brake pads have to be changed.
  • You would like the mechanic to check the oil. He finds it needs to be topped up.
  • Ask what the mechanic will check when the car has an MOT.
CC BY-SADán lea/leat čállán Anne Scott Hagen.
Maŋemusat ođastuvvon 01/31/2019


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