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Bargobihtát ja doaimmat

Pronouns, Translation

Paste the text into your text editor and translate the following sentences.

  1. Vi reparerte bilen selv.
  2. Disse bildene er mine, men de der er dine.
  3. Prinsen er en god venn av meg.
  4. Disse bøkene er interessante.
  5. Du må finne en løsning selv.
  6. Her er mobilen din, men hvor er min?
  7. Den filmen var god.
  8. De reiste på ferie med to av sine beste venner.
  9. Han fant seg en god kamerat.
  10. Jeg har hans bok, men ikke hennes.
  1. We repaired the car ourselves.
  2. These pictures are mine, but those are yours.
  3. The prince is a good friend of mine.
  4. These books are interesting.
  5. You must find a solution yourself.
  6. Here is your cell phone (mobile), but where is mine?
  7. That film was good.
  8. They went on holiday with two of their best friends.
  9. He found himself a nice pal.
  10. I have (got) his book but not hers.
CC BY-SADán lea/leat čállán Hands On (NKI) ja Karin Dwyer Løken.
Maŋemusat ođastuvvon 04/21/2018