Using the -ing Form of Verbs - Translation task - Engelsk (SF) - NDLA

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Using the -ing Form of Verbs


Ing-form or Infinitive, Translation

Paste the text into your text editor and translate the following sentences.

  1. Han gjekk utan å seie noko.
  2. Vi unngår alltid å dra til London om vinteren.
  3. Ho likte (to enjoy) svært godt å lese bloggar.
  4. Han er oppteken med å spele PC-spel.
  5. Eg kan ikkje noko for at eg ler når eg ser den personen.
  6. Læraren bryr seg ikkje om at elevane lagar bråk i timane.
  7. Dei har slutta å lese til eksamen.
  8. Ungane nektar for å ha gjort noko gale.
  9. Det har inga hensikt å klage for mykje.
  1. He went/left without saying anything.
  2. We always avoid visiting London in the winter.
  3. She enjoyed reading blogs very much.
  4. He is busy playing PC-games.
  5. I can't help laughing when I see that person.
  6. The teacher doesn't mind the students/pupils making noise during
  7. They have finished reading for the exam.
  8. The children deny having done anything wrong.
  9. It's no use complaining too much.
Skrive av Hands On (NKI) og Karin Dwyer Løken.
Sist fagleg oppdatert 21.04.2018