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Tasks: Bleach by Phoebe Stuckes

Think about:

Close read the poem "Bleach" by Phoebe Stuckes. Then think about the following questions and write down short answers. You can write the answers as keywords if you prefer.

  1. Why does the narrator say: "I liked the blonde but it was too powerful"?
  2. "I could hear the slow grind of their wheels or their heavy footsteps, out of tune with the timbre of my stilettos, I wasn't wearing stilettos but I think you will imagine that I was." What do you think this part of the poem means? Why would the reader imagine she was wearing stilettos?
  3. What did the narrator's mother say, and what do you think she meant by that?
  4. The poem starts by saying that the narrator got rid of her blonde hair because it was too powerful. Do you think that has helped her when you consider the last line of the poem? "These days I keep my feet firmly laced to the earth, in trainers. I'm always ready to run".


Below you will find a definition of sexualisation of girls from YMCA Metro Vancouver.

  1. Read the definition of sexualisation of girls carefully and discuss in a group or with a partner how it relates to the theme of the poem. Do you agree or disagree that the definition has relevance for understanding the theme of the poem?
  2. Write down what you believe the theme of the poem is. Use examples from the poem in your explanation of the theme.
What is the theme of a poem?

Theme is the lesson about life or statement about human nature that a poem reveals. When looking for the theme, start by asking yourself: "What is this poem about?" Sometimes you have to study a poem very carefully to find the theme; in other poems it is very clear from the beginning.

When we talk about sexualization, we are referring to:

  • Sexuality being inappropriately imposed on girls, like push-up bras being marketed to 12-year-olds

  • The narrow, often unattainable standards for female attractiveness, like magazines for young girls encouraging them to ‘lose ten pounds, straighten their hair and wear a mini-skirt to attract their crush’

  • When sexual attractiveness is valued above all other characteristics, like athletic or educational abilities

  • The sexualization of girlhood, like adult women being portrayed as “sexy” young girls

  • Female sexual objectification involves a woman being viewed primarily as an object of sexual desire, rather than as a whole person

Source: Link to the website of YMCA Metro Vancouver.


Unwanted sexual attention is a common problem. But what can be done to improve the situation? In the box below you will find some suggestions about how to prevent sexual harassment or sexual assaults.

  1. Discuss whether the suggestions are good or bad. Explain why you think they will help, have no effect, or actually make things worse.
  2. Make your own suggestions for how to solve the problem of sexual harassment and sexual assaults.
  • Girls should never wear short skirts or revealing dresses. Girls should cover up more it will keep them safe.
  • People walking home alone are foolish. Laws should be made where people who host parties are responsible for making sure everyone gets home safely.
  • Teenagers should never drink to excess or take drugs. Until the age of 18 parents should bring teenagers to and from parties to make sure they don't drink too much or take drugs.
  • There should be a morality filter on mobile phones in the same way there is on social media. This filter should kick in if you try to send naked pictures or lewd texts or videos over the phone. It should be obligatory for everyone up to the age of 21.
  • There should be an age limit of 18 years for social media influencers who post sexy pictures or write about sex. This age limit must be checked and upheld.
  • Sex education in schools should be limited to ages 16–19. If children get information too young they will start having sex earlier.
  • All boys should have mandatory sensitivity training in school. This will teach them respect for others and that when a girl says no, it means no.
  • Songs with lyrics that put girls or women down or reduce them to sexual objects should be banned.
  • Porn should be banned because it warps everyone's ideas of what sex is, and what it should be.


Write a literary analysis of the poem "Bleach". You may want to focus on the theme and the use of literary devices such as enjambment and imagery.

Visit the article How To Analyse Poetry for tips on how to write the text.

What is enjambment?

Enjambment is a literary device where a line of poetry runs across a line break or across stanzas. Allowing a thought to run across several lines makes a poem seem more like a prose text, and creates more complexity in the narrative of a poem.

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