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Studying Abroad

There are many good reasons to study abroad: In addition to getting a good education and opening up exciting job prospects, you can immerse yourself in another culture, learn a new language, and perhaps gain more tolerance and openness towards other people.
Tower Bridge accross the river Thames, London. Photo.

Do you dream of studying at a prestigious university like Harvard, Yale, or Cambridge? Do you want to get lost in a culture you have read and dreamed about, by studying in Paris, Shanghai, or Tokyo? Do you want the chance to spend your free time on the beach while getting a degree in Cuba, Bali, or Australia? Do you want a particular degree that isn't taught at Norwegian universities? Whatever your reasons, studying abroad offers exciting possibilities.

If you want to study abroad, your first port of call is ANSA. ANSA offers free advice about studying abroad. Follow the link to visit ANSA's webpage: link to ANSA's webpage. ANSA also offers assistance to students while they are studying abroad.

Financing is also important. Lånekassen offers loans to study abroad. Note that not all types of educations are eligible for support from Lånekassen, so make sure you check this before you make your final decision. Link to Lånekassen's page about studying abroad.

You will also find a number of webpages that can guide you towards exciting opportunities in different countries. Below you will find links to a few webpages that offer information for a specific country.

Links to a selection of webpages with information about studying in a specific country:

USA: Link to the webpage Study in the USA

Japan: Link to the webpage: Study in Japan

Germany: Link to the webpage: Study in Germany

Australia: Link to the webpage: Study in Australia

Cuba: Link to the webpage: Top Universities

If there is a specific college or university you dream of attending, you should visit the webpage of that university or college. Below, you will find links to the pages of some famous universities.

Links to a selection of famous universities:

Harvard University: Link to Harvard University's webpage for international students

Stanford University: Link to Stanford University's webpage for international students

Oxford University: Link to Oxford University's Guide for International Students

Cambridge University: Link to Cambridge University information for international students

When deciding to study abroad, take some time to find the best fit for you. Also consider whether studying abroad really is the right choice for you: Are you ready to be away from your family and friends for an extended period? Are you prepared to deal with loneliness or homesickness? Studying abroad is an exciting and wonderful opportunity, but it is not the right choice for everybody.

Photo: Train doors are open. We see four women in traditional Japanese clothes. They are looking at their phones.


Work with a partner or in a group.

  1. Do you want to study abroad? If yes; why and where? If no; what do you want to do instead?

  2. What are the positive sides of studying abroad?

  3. What can be difficult about studying abroad?


Pick a country you want to study in and make a presentation about it. Imagine that you are speaking to teenagers who also want to study in this country.

The presentation must be a minimum of eight minutes long, maximum fifteen minutes. Use a presentation tool like Power point and use the tool in an efficient way to underline and guide your talk.

Your presentation must include:

  • a brief introduction to the country you have chosen

  • an explanation of why is it a good idea to study there

  • what subject you would like to study / or the subjects that foreign students typically study in this country.

  • information about whether it is necessary to learn a language besides English in order to study in this country

  • what must-see places there are to visit in this country

  • what permissions (e.g. greencard, visa ...), you need in order to be permitted to stay in the country

  • whether there are any organizations that can help you before you leave and while you are there

  • whether it is easy to get a loan from Lånekassen to study in this country

  • whether your education will be recognized in Norway when you come back. (For example, to become a nurse, lawyer, or doctor in Norway you need an authorization, and the education from some countries is not accepted)

  • whether there are any special dangers associated with living/studying in this country that students should be aware of

  • what kind of leisure activities you may engage in while you are there


  1. Write a discussion text where you weigh the pros and cons of studying abroad compared to studying in Norway.

  2. Research what kind of education Norwegian students typically take abroad, and discuss whether studying abroad is the best way to obtain this type of expertise.

  3. Write a short story about someone who has travelled to another country to study but who is finding it hard because of culture clashes and homesickness.

CC BY-SASkrevet av Tone Hesjedal.
Sist faglig oppdatert 07.06.2021


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