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Tasks: East is East

Tasks based on the film "East is East".
Muslimsk familie ser utover havet.

Working with the Film

  1. Make a table with two columns. One column for what you think are typical Pakistani values and traditions and one for what you consider typically British. Choose from the following words: arranged marriage, fish and chips, sari, alcohol, Muslim, mosque, church, pork, the Koran, dating, circumcision, red brick terrace houses, Urdu, disco, pub.
  2. List the culture clashes you see in this film. This is an example: Muslims vs. Christians
  3. What do we mean by cultural identity? What do you think a traditional Pakistani man would think is important for his identity? Do you think this would differ if we'd asked a traditional British man? In which respects?


After practicing the words in the vocabulary task, try to translate the text below.

Det er vanskelig/vanskeleg for annen generasjons innvandrere/innvandrarar. De/dei opplever ofte en/ein kulturkollisjon. Hjemme/heime skal jentene for eksempel/til dømes gå med sari, ute går de/dei med vanlige/vanlege klær. Mange snakker/snakkar et/eit språk ute med vennene/vennane sine og et/eit annet/anna hjemme/heime. Hjemme/heime kan det være/vere religiøse og kulturelle skikker/skikkar de/dei må følge.
Rundt de/dei ellers/elles er det helt/heilt andre regler/reglar som gjelder/gjeld.De/dei føler/kjenner det ofte som de/dei pendler/pendlar mellom identiteter/identitetar. I filmen møter vi barna i et blandingsekteskap. Vi får se/sjå hvor/kor vanskelig/vanskeleg det er å takle det når mor og far har ulike verdier/verdiar. Det blir ikke/ikkje lettere/lettare av at omgivelsene/omgjevnadene også/og har andre regler/reglar
for hvordan/korleis en/ein skal oppføre seg.


  1. In the film, we realize that there were many changes in UK society in the 70's. The gap between parents and children in general became wider. Why was that do you think? Which changes did you notice?
  2. What were the challenges for first generation immigrants in the UK in the 70's?
  3. The children in the film are the offspring of a first generation immigrant and a British born mother. What kind of problems do they face?
  4. Is George evil? Explain your view.
  5. Why might mixed marriages be difficult?


  1. George confides in a friend in Pakistan. He writes a letter where he tells what is on his mind and why he is so concerned about his children. Write the letter.
  2. Write a review of the film where you state the genre, comment on the plot, the theme, the filming, the actors' accomplishments and give your opinion. To whom can you recommend the film (if any)?

Guoskevaš sisdoallu

The film East is East deals with a mixed marriage, and has packed the conflicts inside a humorous wrapping.

CC BY-SADán lea/leat čállán Eli M. Huseby.
Maŋemusat ođastuvvon 03/05/2018


Films and Digital Game Resources