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Learning Strategies: How to organise your thoughts using private schools in the UK as a starting point

Organising your thoughts: Bullet-points

Bullet-points help you remember the main points from a text. They are usually the key-words from a text to show the main points about what the text is about.

Click on the video link below and watch the documentary ‘Mohamad at Eton’. This is a real-life story of a refugee who was granted a scholarship to attend Eton, which is classed as one of the world’s best private schools. The documentary follows Mohamad through his first year of school and all the challenges he faced.

Witness - Mohamad at Eton

Task: Using bullet-points

Using bullet points, write down some keywords (stikkord) of what you remember. Compare and share with a partner, explaining why you wrote what you did. Combine your bullet-points to make a better picture of what the documentary was about.

Skrevet av Elaine Fleischer.
Sist faglig oppdatert 04.06.2018