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Act out a Conversation

Act out a dialogue in pairs based on the instructions below. A vocational student at an upper secondary school in Norway is talking to a student visiting from a similar school in the UK.
dialogue in pairs

Norwegian student

Visiting Student from England

1. Greet the visitor

1. Answer his/her greeting and questions

2. Find out something about him/her

2. Find out: Which trade he/she is studying

3. Where he/she comes from

3. Find out: Why he/she chose it

4. Why he/she is visiting Norway

4. Ask him/her to describe what the course involves

5. How long he/she is staying here

5. What qualifications he/she will have at the end of the course

6. What he/she plans to do in the future and why

6. If there are any advantages and disadvantages of this course

7. Answer his/her questions about the course you are taking

7. What his/her future plans are

8. Answer questions about school environment, discipline and school cafeteria/canteen.

8. Ask about the school environment. discipline, etc.

9. Finish the conversation in a suitable manner

9. Finish the conversation in a suitable manner

You will find information in English about all upper secondary education courses at this link: Programmes for Upper Secondary Education in English

Useful Vocabulary
mechanical trades (e.g. welder, industrial mechanic, etc.)
mekaniske yrker
chemical processing trades (e.g. process operator)
kjemisk prosessyrker
laboratory technician/assistant
craft certificate
university entrance qualifications (A-levels (England))
engineering course (leads to a degree in engineering)
technical and industrial production
teknologi- og industrifag (TIF)
technical and general subjects
tekniske allmennefag (TAF)
design, arts and crafts
design og håndverk (DH)
building studies
Skrive av Anne Scott Hagen.
Sist fagleg oppdatert 01/31/2019