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The Indefinite Articles: A/An

In English, we have two indefinite articles: A and An. Knowing which one to choose can sometimes be tricky, so here is an explanation of the main rule.

Main rule:

A and An are used in front of singular nouns.

An is used in front of a vowel sound: I want you to write an essay.

A is used in front of a consonant sound: I need a new computer.

Remember it is the pronunciation (Norw. uttale), rather than the spelling that matters:

You should be finished in an hour.

She wants to go to a university near home.

More advanced information

The indefinite article is used:

  1. in front of countable nouns: I had a strange feeling. It was a great experience. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
  2. in front of names of professions, nationality groups and religious groups: She is a dentist. He is a Muslim. His brother is an American (Norw. amerikaner). He is American (Norw. amerikansk).

  3. in a number of expressions of speed, frequency, amount and price and in many fixed phrases: seventy miles an hour, three times a week, once a year, £50 a night, to have a headache, to make a speech, to have a temperature, to catch a cold, to take an interest in, to give it a try, to build a house

The indefinite article is not used in front of uncountable (‘utellelige’) nouns: What terrible weather! Did he give you any advice? It was shocking news!

Now try the following tasks:

Task 1

Task 2

Translate the following sentences!

This task is more difficult than the first, but try your best to translate these eight sentences. When you are finished, press "Key" to see the answers.


  1. Faren hennes er lærer.

  2. To ganger daglig sjekker han mailen.

  3. Han kjørte med en fart på 80 km i timen i 50-sonen.

  4. Herr Smith er en gammel kunde i butikken.

  5. En av mine beste venner er redaktør.

  6. En gang i året reiser han til USA.

  7. Er han en taper?

  8. Vi hadde et herlig vær i går.


  1. Faren hennar er lærar.

  2. To gonger dagleg sjekkar han mailen.

  3. Han køyrde med ein fart på 80 km i timen i 50-sona.

  4. Herr Smith er ein gammal kunde i butikken.

  5. Ein av dei beste vennene mine er redaktør.

  6. Ein gong i året reiser han til USA.

  7. Er han ein tapar?

  8. Vi hadde eit herleg vêr i går.


  1. Her father is a teacher.
  2. Twice a day he checks his mail.
  3. He drove/was driving at a speed of 80 km an hour in the 50 zone.
  4. Mr Smith is an old customer in the shop.
  5. One of my best friends is an editor.
  6. Once a year he goes to the USA.
  7. Is he a loser?
  8. We had lovely weather yesterday.
Skrive av Sonja Nygaard-Joki og Per Lysvåg. Rettshavar: NKI
Sist fagleg oppdatert 08/15/2019