Sandwiches, you will find them everywhere in the UK and the sky is the limit for the different ingredients that can be combined between two slices of bread.

Have you tried putting nachos in your sandwich?
The sandwich originates from John Montagu, the fourth Earl of Sandwich (1718 – 92). According to the legend he was a hard gambler and even if he was hungry, he did not stop his gambling to have a proper meal. Instead he asked the waiter to serve him some meat between two slices of bread. In that way he could continue his card playing and satisfy his hunger without soiling the cards.
Here is a link to a Wikipedia entry about sandwiches: Link to 'notable sandwiches' on Wikipedia
Study the list, then answer the questions below.
What do you think is the most unusual sandwich on the list?
What sandwich would you like to make for yourself? – Find a recipe for that sandwich.
Create a new and original sandwich. Write down the recipe.