Podcast: UN Sustainable Development Goals, Episode 3, Equality - English 1 - NDLA

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Podcast: UN Sustainable Development Goals, Episode 3, Equality

The United Nations has made 17 goals for sustainable development. These goals aim to safeguard life on Earth and improve the world we live in. In this episode, Tula Marie Åstrand and Max Resar talk about equality.
What do we mean by sustainable development?

Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to fulfill their needs.

Put simply it means that those of us who live now should live our lives and produce goods in a way that does not use up or destroy the earth's resources.

The UN's Sustainable Development Goals are intended to be a plan for achieving a better and more sustainable future for all.

Episode 3: Equality

Goal number five aims to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls, and goal number ten aims to reduce inequality within and among countries

Illustration: Hands in many colours reach towards the title 'Sustainable Development Goals'.

The United Nations has made 17 goals for sustainable development. These goals aim to safeguard life on Earth and improve the world we live in. In this episode, Tula Marie Åstrand and Max Resar talk a...

Podcast: Både Og / CC BY-SA 4.0

Comprehension tasks. Episode 3.

  1. Max had a negative experience related to gender equality when he travelled in India. What was it?

  2. What does Tula tell us about women in public spaces in India?

  3. Tula and Max focus on gender inequality abroad. Do you think gender equality is an issue in Norway? Give reasons for your answer.

  4. Tula says that "discrimination in any form should be eradicated". Do you think it is possible to respect a culture and at the same time criticise elements of discrimination and oppression in the culture?

  5. What does Max mention about the distribution of wealth in the United States?

  6. Why do Tula and Max think easy access to higher education is important?

  7. Lånekassen is mentioned several times in the episode. How would you explain what Lånekassen is to someone from the United States?

  8. Do you agree that Norwegian children are less dependent on their families than children in many other countries?

  9. Are there groups in society, that you have observed experience discrimination and inequality, who should have been mentioned in the episode?

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Written by: NDLA and Både Og AS. Rightsholder: NDLA
Last revised date 06/16/2021