Tasks: Savage - Engelsk 2 - NDLA

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Tasks: Savage


Work with partners and discuss the following questions:

  1. Why did Danny and Moses start a gang? Do you think their reasons were the same as they are for most people who join gangs?

  2. What can be done to prevent young people from joining gangs?

  3. Do you think it will be possible for Danny to have a normal life after leaving the gang?


Work with a partner and discuss the questions. Write an in-depth answer for each question in a shared document.

  1. What is the main theme of the film?

  2. What did you notice about the setting of the film? Were there elements that made you aware that the film is set in New Zealand?

  3. What is the main message of the film?

  4. Choose two or three of the characters and comment on whether you found the actors' portrayal of them convincing.

  5. Comment on the cinematography: What did you notice about the use of camera angles, light and darkness, zooming, etc?

  6. Did makeup and costumes contribute to how you perceived the characters?

  7. What did you think of the film?

Write a short text:

Choose one of the tasks and write a text of maximum 500 words.

  1. Write a review of the film Savage.

  2. Research the topic and make a fact sheet about violent crime in New Zealand. Remember to include a source list.

Write a longer text:

Choose one of the tasks and write a longer text (750–1500 words). Remember to include a source list.

  1. Write a film analysis of the film Savage.

  2. Research the topic and write a text where you compare violent crime in New Zealand with violent crime in another English-speaking country.

Relatert innhold


Savage is a film about a boy in New Zealand, who grows up to become part of a street gang.

Skrevet av Tone Hesjedal.
Sist faglig oppdatert 25.03.2022