Advice for the Living by Lemn Sissay - Engelsk 2 - NDLAHopp til innhold
Advice for the Living by Lemn Sissay
'Advice for the Living' is a shape poem where the poet, Lemn Sissay, plays around with the word 'dead' and other related words. As you read, pay attention to how the shape of the poem heightens the message of the poem.
Discuss: What is your first impression when you see the poem and read the title? What do you think this poem is about?
Advice for the Living by Lemn Sissay, plain text
Dead fast this. Everyone's dying to arrive, Living for deadlines, trying to Stay straight as a die. They'll get There, dead or alive because they're Dead set, and they do arrive in shores Of dead heats, deat beats at dead ends Dead messed up like dead stock. The living Dead flogging dead horses in the dead of Night. Dead right dead lost dead right. Every now and again we stop dead In our tracks, dead still 'cause it's Dead hard, like a dead weight's Dropped on the head ... wouldn't You die for a little piece, die for A breath of hope? Dead right, I would. In the dead centre of All this deadlocking, dread Locked. Words, dead ahead. They read: Life is not worth living if there's no one that you would die for. Dead right.