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Tasks: The Florida Project

Cindarella's Castle in Walt Disney World with the IllumiNation firework in the background. Photo


  1. In the opening of the film, we hear the song 'Celebration' by Kool & The Gang. What mood is created by this opening? And why do you think the director has chosen this song?
  2. How would you describe Moonee? What are her good and bad qualities?
  3. How would you describe Halley? Is she a bad mother? How do you think she has ended up living this way? Does she change in any way over the course of the film?
  4. Describe the relationship between Moonee and Halley. What is their relationship like at the beginning of the film, and how does it develop during the course of the film? What do you think their relationship will be like in the future?
  5. Bobby is a very important character in the film. Describe his good and bad qualities. Give examples of situations where he is trying to help Halley and the other residents.
  6. How would you describe the motel environment and its neighbourhood? Would you define it as a suitable place for children to grow up?
  7. Why do you think the motel is called The Magic Castle, and why are so many buildings painted pink and purple?
  8. The film takes place in Kissimmee, a small town very close to Disney World. Why do you think the film makers have chosen this specific spot for the film? How does the setting, on the outskirts of Disney World, enhance the central theme and message of the film?
  9. We clearly see the contrast between rich people and poor people in this film. Give examples from the film that make this contrast especially clear.
  10. The last sequence of the film has a very different visual and musical style from the rest of the film. Also, the ending is very open and without a real conclusion. What is your interpretation of this ending, and why do you think the director made it this way?
  11. Make a list of the most important themes of the film. Also, can you describe scenes from the film that convey these themes in a clear way?


Find out more about child poverty in the United States.

Below, you will find some websites that provide you with information about poverty / child poverty in the United States. Go through the websites and write down the most relevant information. You may also use the internet to look for more information about the topic.

Try to find answers for the following questions:

  • How many children in the United States are living in poverty?
  • How does poverty affect these children in a negative way?
  • In which states is child poverty most prevalent?
  • Is there an over-representation of child poverty among certain ethnic groups?
  • What has the development of child poverty been like over the last few years?
  • How did the Covid-19 pandemic affect child poverty?

Agree on a way to present your findings: written text, presentation, film, or a class discussion.

Websites: child poverty in the United States

Link to the website Talk Poverty.

Link to the website children.org. Child poverty in the U.S.

Link to the website Save the Children. Child poverty in America.

Link to the website Pew Research. Prior to COVID-19, child poverty rates had reached record lows in U.S.

Link to the website USA Today. Poor children in the US: Here's how many kids live in poverty in your state.


  1. Write a film review or a film analysis of The Florida Project. In 'Related content' below, you will find articles to help you on your way ('How to Write a Film Review' / How to Write a Film Analysis'.)
  2. Imagine that you are Monee at 20 years old, looking back at your childhood. Write a text where you describe the life you lived. Include both the positive and negative experiences.
  3. In this short video from Washington Post you meet people who are in the same situation as Halley and Moonee. One of them is Rose Jusino, a 17-year-old high school student who has lived in various motels for seven years.

    Use the information you get from the video. Write a text from Rose's point of view where she tells her story and describes her everyday life.

Relatert innhold

A film describing the life of a homeless mother and her six-year-old daughter, living in Orlando, Florida

CC BY-SASkrevet av Karin Søvik.
Sist faglig oppdatert 28.12.2020

