Podcast: UN Sustainable Development Goals, Episode 2, Climate Action - Engelsk 1 - NDLA

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Podcast: UN Sustainable Development Goals, Episode 2, Climate Action

The United Nations has made 17 goals for sustainable development. These goals aim to safeguard life on Earth and improve the world we live in. In this episode, Tula Marie Åstrand and Max Resar discuss climate action.
What do we mean by sustainable development?

Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to fulfill their needs.

Put simply it means that those of us who live now should live our lives and produce goods in a way that does not use up or destroy the earth's resources.

The UN's Sustainable Development Goals are intended to be a plan for achieving a better and more sustainable future for all.

Episode 2: Climate Action

The UN's thirteenth sustainable development goal is to take urgent action to combat climate change and the impact it has on the world.

Illustration: Icons of the UN's 17 sustainable development goals. The icons are squares in bright colours numbered 1 to 17.
Sustainable Development Goals

Episode 2: Climate Action

The United Nations has made 17 goals for sustainable development. These goals aim to safeguard life on Earth and improve the world we live in. In this episode, Tula Marie Åstrand and Max Resar discuss...

Podkast: Både Og / CC BY-SA 4.0

Comprehension tasks. Episode 2.

  1. What worries Tula and Max about what society will be like after the COVID-19 pandemic?

  2. What measures do Tula and Max think will help prevent climate change?

  3. Do you agree with Tula and Max that airtravel is one of the main issues when it comes to climate action? Give reasons for your answer.

  4. Why doesn't Tula like electric scooters?

  5. Why is Tula critical of the production of batteries for electric cars?

  6. Max explains that bringing your own tote bag to the shops is not necessarily more environmentally friendly than buying plastic. What are the reasons he gives?

  7. Are there issues related to climate action that you feel were left out of this episode?

Relatert innhold

UN Sustainable Development Goals

This text provides a simple explanation of the UN sustainable development goals and links to more information about them.

Skrevet av NDLA og Både Og AS. Rettighetshaver: NDLA
Sist faglig oppdatert 31.01.2022