Task: Bollywood film dialogue
Write your own scene from a Bollywood movie!

The following scenario is typical of a Bollywood film:
Two young people meet and fall in love. Then one of them learns that his/her parents, following the tradition of arranged marriages, already have someone else in mind for their son or daughter. The stage is set for conflict, either between parents and their children, who do not accept their parents’ plans, or between the two young people in love who cannot be together. Disappointment is inevitable.
With this scenario in mind, write a dialogue between two or more of the people involved, and act it out. Here are some lines to help you:
- But I love him/her! Don’t you want me to be happy?
- I’m so sorry, but I can’t marry you – my parents would never accept it. They have found a good match for me…
- Do you want to ruin your mother’s happiness? .. etc.