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Tasks: R & B by Patience Agbabi


After you have read the poem "R & B" by Patience Agbabi discuss the following tasks with a partner or in a group:

  1. What is the poem about?

  2. What is the meaning of the title of the poem?

  3. Who is the speaker or narrative voice of the poem?

  4. Who is the speaker addressing?

  5. What is the purpose of the poem: to describe, amuse, entertain, narrate, inform, express grief, celebrate or commemorate?

  6. What is the tone of the poem? Sad, happy, melancholy, bitter?


Below you will find tasks related to metaphors, imagery and theme. Write down your answers. Work alone or with a partner.


A metaphor is when you compare two things without using comparison words. A metaphor is when one thing represents another. A metaphor is when a word or phrase is applied to an object or action in a way that is not literally descriptive.

In the box below you will find some of the metaphors used in the poem "R & B".

  1. Translate each metaphor into Norwegian.
  2. Consider what is meant by each metaphor.
  3. What, if anything, do the metaphors have in common?
  4. What other metaphors do you find in the poem?


  1. Find any examples of imagery from the poem "R & B" which are not metaphors.
  2. Consider what the poet wants to achieve by using this imagery.


The theme is the main idea or underlying message of the poem. What do you think the poet wants you to understand from reading the poem?

Give your opinion:

Write a short text where you give your opinion of the poem "R & B" by Patience Agbabi. Did you like it, did you dislike it, were you indifferent to it? Give reasons for your answer. The text should be no longer than 180 words.


Take inspiration from the poem "R & B" and write a poem about someone or something you love. Focus on creating and using metaphors in your poem.

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Maŋemusat ođastuvvon 10/12/2020