Global English
The History of English in 10 minutes - Chapter 10 (OU)
Global English. Video: Open University / CC BY-SA 4.0
- How many years have passed since the Romans left Britain? What significance did their withdrawal from Britain have for the development of the English language?
- Which capabilities did the English language have since it managed to conquer the world?
- How many languages has English adopted words from?
- What is the total number of English speakers?
- How many speak it as their mother tongue?
- How many speak it as a second language?
- What problems does English present for a learner?
- In which context is Singlish, Hinglish and Chinglish mentioned? Where do you find these accents and why is it necessary to give these accents individual names?
- Why do you think the lecturer suggests that if somebody should think up a new word for English, “it should be in Chinese”?
Do you think the global language should have a different name than English? Can you suggest a name?
Write an essay where you present arguments and discuss your view of the future of the English language. Some points to consider:
- Will it continue to be the international language of communication?
- Will it survive in a similar form?
- Will there continue to be several varieties of English?
- Will it be adapted into a simplified language like Globish?
- Will English threaten local languages?