Tasks: Global English
Understanding the Text and the Concept
- How do you understand the concept "Global Language"? Why is English called a Global Language?
- ”The hunting ground has widened into a global scene.” Explain this statement.
- How would you explain language proficiency?
- Why is English referred to as Lingua Franca? What does it mean?
- Many fear that Global English will replace native languages. What do you think?
- What is the difference between expressing yourself in your mother tongue compared to that of a foreign language?
Idioms and Expressions
Here, you will find three interactive tasks on idioms and expressions. Have a try and notice the differences between English and your mother tongue.
- Link to Match Idioms 1
- Link to Match Idioms 2
- Link to Set Expressions, Add the Correct Prepositions
Watch, Listen, and Discuss
- "Which English?" asks David Crystal in this video. He argues that it is important that students are exposed to varieties of English. Do you agree with him? Why/Why not?
- "Should English Be Taught as a Global Language?" Listen to David Crystal and explain how this may relate to the course you are taking in English. Is Global English a better term?
CC BY-NC-SASkrevet av Åse Elin Langeland.
Sist faglig oppdatert 14.12.2022