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Tasks: The Monster

This text uses a number of powerful images to portray Mia's thoughts and feelings. Use these images as a starting point for an analysis of the literary devices: metaphors and similes.
Video: Knut Inge Skifjeld, Anne Scott Hagen / CC BY-SA 4.0

Part 1 (Individually or small groups)

  1. Watch the above animation to help determine the difference between metaphors and similes.
  2. Divide a page into two and beneath the titles "Metaphors" and "Similes", add a short definition of the two devices.
  3. Find examples of metaphors and similes in the text "The Monster". Add 2-3 examples to each category, using direct quotations.

Part 2:

  1. Choose the metaphor or simile that you find the most interesting and choose a song that it reminds you of. In one paragraph, explain how the two are in some way connected.
  2. Find a recording of the song (i.e. on YouTube) and select a 30-60 second sample.
  3. In groups or as a class, read your explanation and play a sample of the song. Listen to the feedback from your classmates and discover how a great image can transform and adapt to many different settings!

Relatert innhold

The Monster by Alex Nye

In this excerpt from the novel When We Get to the Island (2019), a young girl called Mia lets the reader glimpse her innermost feelings of fear and hope.

Skrevet av Sonja Nygaard-Joki.
Sist faglig oppdatert 07.05.2020