Tasks: Phrasal Verbs - English 2 - NDLA

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Tasks: Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal verbs vs single-word verbs

Connect the phrasal verb with a more formal single-word verb by dragging the verbs into the the correct boxes. Then translate the single-word verbs into Norwegian.


Phrasal verbs often mean vastly different things, depending on the context. Translate the following sentences into Norwegian. Pay attention to the difference in meaning.

  1. The milk has gone off.
    The programme has gone off the air.
    He went off on her for no apparent reason.

  2. Your new dress has to be let down.
    What a let-down!
    He trudged home feeling lonely and let down.

  3. The central bank has put up interest rates.
    Could you put me up for a couple of days?
    He put up quite a fight.

  4. He picked up some groceries on his way home.
    In the spring, business picked up.
    When are you going to pick up the hint that Sally isn't interested?

  5. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
    The smell of hospitals always puts me off.
    Stop laughing – you’ll put her off.

Correct answer:
  1. Melka er sur.
    Programmet er tatt av lufta.
    Han angrep henne helt uten grunn.

  2. Den nye kjolen din må legges ned.
    For en skuffelse!
    Han trasket hjemover og følte seg ensom og forlatt.

  3. Sentralbanken har satt opp renta.
    Kan jeg bo/overnatte hos deg et par dager?
    Han gjorde kraftig motstand.

  4. Han kjøpte med seg noen matvarer på vei hjem.
    Fortjenesten tok seg opp på våren.
    Når skal du skjønne at Sally ikke er interessert i deg?

  5. Aldri utsett til i morgen det du kan gjøre i dag.
    Sykehuslukta gjør meg dårlig.
    Slutt å le - du distraherer henne.

Degree of formality:

Solve the interactive task. There should be six phrasal verbs in each box. Then translate the words you don't understand into Norwegian.

Find the word

Discuss with a partner.

The following sentences all contain a phrasal verb. Are you able to find a single-word verb that would mean the same thing?

(If you need a hint, you will find the relevant words in random order in the expandable box below).

  1. The cost of living went up.

  2. He put up with his mother-in-law.

  3. They tried to find out the truth.

  4. I got hold of all the books I needed.

  5. We had to cut down on our spending.

  6. We had to put off the decision until after the holiday.

  7. Trade with other countries tends to go up and down from year to year.

  8. He picked out the bits he liked best.

  9. We set up the company three years ago.

  10. We try to get by as well as we can.

  11. He turned in his paper last week.

  12. She turned down the offer.

  13. This paragraph should be left out.

Verbs in random order

increased, establish, selected, tolerated, declined, omitted, postpone, submitted, establish, manage, reduce, fluctuate, acquired

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Phrasal Verbs

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Written by: Karin Søvik.
Last revised date 12/14/2022