Tasks: The Dressmaker - English 2 - NDLA

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Tasks: The Dressmaker

Understanding the film:

Work with a partner and answer the questions.

  1. Why has Tilly come home?

  2. What kind of illness does Tilly's mother have?

  3. Tilly and her mother have been ostracised from the community for years. Why?

  4. Women flock to Tilly to buy dresses, but they do not accept her as an equal. How can we tell?

  5. In what time period is the film set?

  6. What does Tilly learn about the reason she was sent away from home?

  7. What happens to the man Tilly falls in love with?

  8. What happens to Tilly's mother?

  9. Why and how does Tilly take revenge on the village?

  10. What did you think of the film?


Work in groups and discuss the questions.

  1. Is this a film about women's rights?

  2. Is this a film about identity?

  3. Is this a love story?

  4. Is this film a murder mystery?

  5. Is this a film about vengeance?


Choose one of the following tasks and write a longer text.

For the first three tasks, the resource found in the following link may be useful: Link to NDLA resource about film analysis

  1. Write an analysis of the film The Dressmaker where you pay special attention to costumes and cinematography.

  2. Write an analysis of the film The Dressmaker where you discuss what genre the film belongs to.

  3. Write an analysis of the film The Dressmaker where you pay special attention to theme and message.

  4. Research the history of women's rights in Australia and write a longer text where you present your findings.

    Here is a link from Victorian Women's Trust's website that shows a timeline of women's rights in Australia: Link to timeline of women's rights in Australia

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Subject material
The Dressmaker

The Dressmaker tells the story of Myrtle 'Tilly' Dunnage who returns to a tiny village in the Australian outback to look after her mother.

Written by: Tone Hesjedal.
Last revised date 10/14/2022