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Legendary British Bands

The British bands The Beatles and The Rolling Stones both had their start in the early 1960s. Both gained enormous fame, and both wrote legendary songs. Both bands were influenced by the time in which they lived and worked, and both bands influenced society.

In this project, you are going to study the bands closely and compare them.


  • Biographical information about band members.

  • Information about the bands.

  • The period of time when the bands started, became popular, and worked.

  • Music made by the bands.


  • The influence the bands had on society.

  • How the bands were influenced by the time they worked in.

  • The significance of the music they made.


Study at least two examples of each band's music and analyse at least one piece of music from each band.


Present your work in a suitable format.

Alternative task

Instead of studying The Beatles and The Rolling Stones you study Oasis and Blur.

Written by: Tone Hesjedal.
Last revised date 01/28/2022