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Tasks: Boyan Slat


Watch the following TEDTalk. Then work with a partner, and go through the questions below.

  1. Why does Slat start by talking about biscuits?
  2. What are the gyres, and how many are there?
  3. How does plastic make it into the food chain?
  4. What makes it difficult to remove plastic from the oceans?
  5. Slat's idea is that the Great Pacific Garbage Patch should clean itself; how can that be done?


There are many environmental challenges facing the world today, and some people believe that the challenges will have technological solutions. Use the internet and find three examples of technological solutions that may overcome environmental problems the world is facing today.

Present what you find in a group, and discuss whether we can save the planet with technology.


Pick one of the tasks and write a longer text.

  1. Write an argumentative text where you try to persuade the reader that technology is not the answer to saving the planet.
  2. Write a discussion text where you present some technological solutions to environmental issues and discuss whether technology may save the planet.


Boyan Slat's idea for cleaning up the oceans started as a school project. Perhaps you have equally good ideas? Work with a partner or in a group.

  • Pick one environmental issue and brainstorm a technological solution to it.
  • Share your idea with the class, for example in a shared document.
  • Explain what the environmental issue is, and how you would use technology to solve it.
  • Discuss in class which ideas are most likely to work.


If we are going to save the planet, we have to teach everyone to care about the planet from a young age. You and your classmates have been invited by a kindergarten to make a presentation about protecting the environment.

  • Work in groups. You are going to create a presentation suitable for a group of five-year-olds.

  • The presentation must contain relevant information, while at the same taking into account the age of your audience.

  • Think about activities that can get your audience engaged with the topic. Will a traditional Power Point presentation work here?

  • The presentation should last no more than 15 minutes.

  • Make the presentation. Your class will play the role of five-year-olds.

Written by: Tone Hesjedal.
Last revised date 02/19/2021