Tasks: Global issues in an African Context - English 1 - NDLA

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Tasks: Global issues in an African Context


Watch the following video about different forms of foreign aid, and the effects of foreign aid. Then answer the questions below in writing.

In the video foreign aid is defined as: The international transfer of goods, services or capital from a country or international aid agency to a recipient country or its population.

  1. There are four different types of aid mentioned in the video. What are they? Give examples.

  2. What is the difference between bilateral and multilateral aid? Explain.

  3. What is an NGO? Give examples of a few.

  4. Waya Quiviger mentions three main reasons why people give foreign aid. What are they?

  5. Describe the two camps supporting and criticizing foreign aid. What are the arguments presented for and against aid?


Divide the class into two teams and prepare for a class debate: one side arguing for foreign aid, the other against.

Use the video above, the quotations below, this website from Development Aid: Link to Development Aid website, and other websites you find useful to prepare your arguments. Find arguments that will help your team argue either for and against foreign aid.


Since 2005, China has invested more than $300 billion in many African countries, primarily in infrastructural improvements (trains, ports, power plants etc). This is part of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), which primarily involves investments in Asian and African countries.

Find out more about the BRI, how this affects the countries involved and the criticism China has had to face. Also, why is China investing so much in other countries far away?

Work individually, then share your findings in class.


Choose an African country and do an in-depth study of its economic, democratic and social situation. Your presentation should / could include information about:

  • Colonial heritage (remnants of colonial power...)
  • Form of government (democratic, authoritarian, military regime etc...)

  • Human rights situation (discrimination, violence, torture etc...)

  • Social situation(educational level, gender equality, life expectancy etc...)
  • Economic situation (standard of living, inequality, corruption etc...)

Your findings could be presented in the form of a film, a written report or a presentation in front of the class. Agree with your teacher which form your presentation should take before you start your work.

Some useful sources:

Website for Transparency International: Corruption around the world in 2019

Website for Our World in Data: Human Development Index (HDI)

Website for Our World in Data: Human Rights around the world

Website for Our World in Data: Democracies around the world

Website forThe Economist: Democracy Index (you need to register to download the report)

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Written by: Karin Søvik.
Last revised date 10/03/2020