Tasks: Experiences from a Global Pandemic - English 1 - NDLA

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Tasks: Experiences from a Global Pandemic


After having read the texts in 'Experiences from a Global Pandemic' work with a partner and talk about the following questions.

  1. What makes it clear that the text 'Pandemic' is a poem?

  2. Read the poem aloud. What strikes you about the way it is written?

  3. According to the text 'Coping and Discussing Mental Wellbeing in a Global Pandemic' mental health was an important issue during the pandemic. Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion.

  4. What advice from the text did you find especially useful when it comes to coping during a crisis?

  5. According to the text 'Going Back to School in a Global Pandemic' going to school is better than home school? Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer.

  6. Describe your experiences with home schooling. What were the positive and the negative aspects of it?

  7. What did you think of the poem 'Post Pandemic, Let's Build a Humane World Again'?

  8. What do you think the writer means in the following lines from the poem:

As I ask - Don’t you want a proof
Of my sexuality, my religion, and creed
A card to say, I am accepted in your realm
That I’ve tampered and rebuilt myself
To fit your normal
That I no longer resemble me
But hey at least you’ll accept this
And it says - Don’t be silly, we’re all flowers from the same seed
Humanity, love, that’s the only label you’ll ever need


Pick one of the texts you have read in 'Experiences from a Global Pandemic'. Study the text carefully and explain how form, language features, and literary devices help convey the message of the text.


Below you will find words that are related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Work with a partner and translate or explain each word. If any of the words has more than one meaning, you should focus on the meaning that is related to a pandemic.




social distancing


contact tracing



index case




presumptive positive case

confirmed positive case


Discuss in groups or in class:

  • What were the most difficult parts of the pandemic for you?

  • Did you learn anything valuable from the COVID-19 pandemic?

  • Do you think society will change in any way after the pandemic? How?

Write a short text:

Pick one of the tasks and write a text of no more than 150 words.

  1. Write a poem about the COVID-19 pandemic.

  2. Write a humorous text about how you experienced the COVID-19 pandemic.

  3. Write a ten-step guide for coping and staying sane during a pandemic.

Write a longer text:

Pick one of the tasks and write a text of at least 850 words.

  1. Write a biographical text from the first-person perspective about how you experienced the pandemic.

  2. Write a short story about a person who experiences a pandemic.

  3. Write a speech about what you believe the state or the global community should do to prevent future pandemics.


Choose one of the tasks.

  1. Make an illustration of the COVID-19 pandemic. You can use any artform you like: drawing, painting, collage ...

  2. Write a poem about the COVID-19 pandemic.

Present your work to the class or in a group.

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Written by: Tone Hesjedal.
Last revised date 04/17/2021