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Tasks: Global English

Big mouths talking to a person. Illustration.

Understanding the Text and the Concept

  1. How do you understand the concept "Global Language"? Why is English called a Global Language?
  2. ”The hunting ground has widened into a global scene.” Explain this statement.
  3. How would you explain language proficiency?
  4. Why is English referred to as Lingua Franca? What does it mean?
  5. Many fear that Global English will replace native languages. What do you think?
  6. What is the difference between expressing yourself in your mother tongue compared to that of a foreign language?

Idioms and Expressions

Here, you will find three interactive tasks on idioms and expressions. Have a try and notice the differences between English and your mother tongue.

Watch, Listen, and Discuss

  1. "Which English?" asks David Crystal in this video. He argues that it is important that students are exposed to varieties of English. Do you agree with him? Why/Why not?
  2. "Should English Be Taught as a Global Language?" Listen to David Crystal and explain how this may relate to the course you are taking in English. Is Global English a better term?

CC BY-NC-SAWritten by: Åse Elin Langeland.
Last revised date 12/14/2022

Learning content

English as a world language