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Tasks: Hani and Blood

Millions of Syrians have escaped across borders, fleeing the war that devastated their lives. Many of them are separated or unaccompanied children, just like the characters of Hani and his sister Reena. This task asks you to write an article about their experience.

The Dream Diaries is a project by the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) that visualizes the dreams of children who have fled their homes and found a new life in Europe.​ This video was made for the project by Kris Pouw, produced by Humans of Amsterdam, with photography and art work by Fetching_Tigerss and Humans of Amsterdam.

  1. Read this article about 15-year-old Amr who fled Syria and found refuge in Vienna in October 2015 with his parents and two siblings.
  2. Imagine that you are a reporter and write an article about Hani based on information from the texts "Hani" and "Blood". To make it sound like an interview, you can use direct quotations from the text as statements from Hani. Start the writing process by finding and highlighting 3-4 quotations that you want to use in your article.
  3. Use the UN feature article as a template for your article. Here is an overview of the layout/structure:

Title/Headline: something that highlights the main content of the article and/or triggers the attention or curiosity of the reader.

Byline: include your name and the date.

Main image or illustration

Short introduction

Main body

Short conclusion

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Subject material
Hani by Alex Nye

Meet Hani and Reena. Having fled from the terror of war as Syrian refugees, they now face a new nightmare in Scotland.

Subject material
Blood by Alex Nye

In this chapter, Hani recalls fleeing from the bombed-out ruins in Syria and the fatal crossing to what he hoped would be the safety of Europe.

Written by: Sonja Nygaard-Joki.
Last revised date 05/07/2020